Vol 28 (2020): VOL 28, Special Issue 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 33
- URL: https://journal-nriph.ru/journal/issue/view/23
Problems of co-financing of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance
Health insurance issues are an important area of social interaction between different troupes of the population in the Russian Federation. This article discusses aspects of the current state of the market of medical voluntary and compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the article provides a comparative analysis of the concepts of “compulsory health insurance” and “voluntary health insurance”. Also data are given on studying the market of medical insurance in Russia in recent times, and presents forecasts of researchers in the development of health insurance in the perspective up to 2020 in addition, the highlighted trends in the costs of financing health care. The problems of the Russian compulsory and voluntary medical insurance market and possible ways of their development are considered.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:670-673
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Human resource management in healthcare organizations
The article deals with changes in the human resources potential in the Russian health care system, which are the result of the reform of the medical sphere carried out in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020, exposed significant shortcomings of the Russian healthcare reform, showing serious problems in the shortage of specialists, hospital beds, protective equipment, ventilators, tests, and medicines. The reduction of hospital beds and the number of infectious diseases doctors in order to increase the average salary in healthcare has led to the inability of the Russian healthcare system to cope with the spread of coronavirus infection without involving residents, professors, teachers and students of medical organizations. At the present stage of development, the issues of combating the spread of coronavirus infection, mobilization and professional training of medical workers are of particular relevance. Nevertheless, despite the results of the health care reform, which led to a massive reduction of medical organizations in our country, the number of doctors per 10,000 people in 2018 was 47.9 employees, over the past 20 years, has not changed much in the direction of reduction. In our view, we should not talk about a global reduction in human resources in healthcare. The existing personnel problems in healthcare are the low qualification of medical personnel and the General shortage of specialists in the labor market.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:674-679
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Professional training of nurses for medical organizations in the capital: problems and solutions
The current stage of development of health systems is characterized by an increasing role of specialists with secondary medical and higher (nursing) education, which imposes additional requirements on their medical, pedagogical, psychological and technical knowledge and skills. The article presents the results of a study implemented in 2019 on the development of medical personnel in the capital's healthcare system. One of the research methods was an expert survey in the form of a series of in-depth structured interviews with the leadership of medical colleges, universities and institutions of additional professional education (N = 15), the scenario of which included blocks of questions regarding the main determinants of the quality of training of nursing staff and bachelors in the direction of “Nursing”, as well as ideas for introducing the capital standard of a nurse. The analysis of the information obtained made it possible to identify a number of problems and directions for their solution: at the college level, this is, first of all, poor-quality production practice, which is due to the overload of medical staff and, in general, not serious attitude to trainees, as well as insufficient communication training of future nurses; in the case of undergraduate studies, the main problems are related to students who have gone to university just after school, who have a poor idea of their future profession and are poorly motivated to study in condition when courses that dedicated to studying nursing medical skills, initially aimed at a more professionally trained contingent, have been significantly reduced. Experts, who support the idea of expanding the functions of nurses, the main obstacles to its implementation see in the stereotypes that the chief physicians and the medical community as a whole have about the purely secondary role of the nursing staff, as well as the corresponding attitudes of the nurses themselves. Regarding the standard of the capital's nurse, experts agree that the main emphasis should be on the development of universal competencies, attention to deontological and ethical issues.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:680-686
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Management of advertising communication in health care organizations
The article examines the impact of advertising communications on the patient flow of medical organizations in the Russian healthcare system, reflecting significant changes in the global communication industry. The study of the current changes indicates the relevance of the topic of marketing communications among the heads of Russian and foreign medical companies, government agencies responsible for medicine, the media, advertising companies and consumers of medical services. Issues of concern to the medical services advertising industry and regulatory authorities in healthcare, the impact of advertising on the development of the medical market, and international experience in state regulation of advertising communications in the field of medicine are relevant. Today, the development of an effective policy aimed at attracting new customers and expanding the service sector is a prerequisite for the success of any medical organization. Along with the increasing competition of organizations working in the medical market for consumers of medical services, the need for effective management of advertising communications is also increasing, thanks to which the company's status is maintained, qualified, high-quality treatment is provided, and a high level of service is maintained. Thus, the management of advertising communications in medical organizations has its own specifics and requires compliance with Russian legislation. Ads for medical services must truthfully inform the patient about the nature and direction of the medical organization's work.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:687-693
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Digital transformation of healthcare: a competency-based approach
The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the essence, tools and mechanisms of digital transformation of the health sector. A comparative assessment of the current health care system in the cities of the world is presented, trends in the use of end-to-end technologies for improving the health care system in Russia are revealed. The development of the health sector in modern conditions is based on the introduction of new information and communication technologies, for the proactive use of which, it is necessary to increase the digital skills and awareness of health workers and the population. The national projects of the Russian Federation «Health care» and «Digital economy» speak about the need to implement design solutions for the formation of competence models of personnel in the conditions of global digitalization. The formation of the digital contour of the health sector should be based on a clear understanding of the competence profile, its inclusion in the innovative health care system and the preservation of human capital. The use of competence approach to the digital transformation of healthcare contributes to improving the adaptability of the existing system of health organization to the new technological order provides the possibility of introducing cross-cutting technologies in the processes of decision-making to improve the accessibility and quality of care.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:694-700
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Health charity: the main directions of activities of foreign non-profit organizations
Health charity is the activity of non-profit organizations in the sphere of providing assistance to citizens in obtaining medical services: raising funds for treatment, rehabilitation, assistance to accompanying persons, psychological support, etc. The article deals with the main types of health charity activities, the content analysis of foreign sources reflecting the issues under study, and the typology of non-profit organizations implementing projects in the field of health charity.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:701-704
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Elderly mortality at the Russian Far East: seasonality and mitigation
In many countries of the world, demographic changes have occurred, characterized by an increase in the share of socially inactive elderly people. The goal is a medical and demographic analysis of the elderly in the Far East. For Khabarovsk and Birobidzhan, seasonal patterns of mortality and self-preserving behavior of older people were investigated. In order to determine the actions and personal attitudes of self-preserving behavior for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, elderly people who visited the Vertical fitness center in Birobidzhan were interviewed. It was found that the overall mortality rate among older people is higher among men than among women. The main causes of death are cardiovascular diseases, which have a pronounced seasonality with a maximum in winter. It is shown that 23% of men and 48% of women do not demonstrate high social and physical activity and do not have any skills to maintain their health.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:705-710
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Issues of popularization of medical knowledge for health promotion and healthy lifestyle through mass media
An important area of medical media is the preservation of health and a healthy lifestyle, the preservation and maintenance of adaptive properties of the body - the basis of content strategies of a large number of modern Russian media. To a greater or lesser extent and by virtue of their professional duties, it is the publications of doctors or interviews with them, as well as official research published in public and non-professional media, that popularize medical knowledge.The article focuses on the fact that the functions of popularizing health and a healthy lifestyle are inherent in the media, both special and for a wide range of the population. In addition to mass media that publish articles on preventive medicine and medicine of innovations and introduction of medical technologies, there are a number of mass media that cover medical knowledge for the population, in order to familiarize society with the achievements of medicine in the direction of maintaining health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.This paper also concludes that all publications, all materials of Internet portals and messages, both in non-specialized and specialized media, most of the medical topics have a message of interpretation of the popularization of medical topics related to the preservation, maintenance of health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Popularization of medical knowledge in the media is an important direction for medical professionals and the public.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:711-715
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Economic aspects in sIngle-event multilevel orthopedic surgery in patients with cerebral palsy
This article reports an assessment of direct expenses for surgical treatment of patients with cerebral palsy and secondary orthopedic complications, who have undergone single-event multilevel orthopedic surgeries (SEMLS). It has been demonstrated that modern approach based on SEMLS is substantiated from the medical point of view and at present it is also justified from the point of view of economic assistance for that type of treating activity of a Federal Centre specialized in trauma and orthopaedics. Organization of surgical treatment using multilevel orthopaedic interventions requires selection of implants for specific characteristics and, on expenditure side, not exceeding funding of direct expenses intended for this treating process.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:716-722
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To the question of the international experience of vitaminization food and food as population health technologies
The article provides an overview of official documents and scientific literature on the development of a policy of enrichment of vitamins and minerals with diets of the population at the level of international organizations in various countries and in the world as a whole. International programs on micronutrient fortification of food products are considered from the standpoint of protecting public health. The article focuses on the availability and effectiveness of ways to improve the vitamin and mineral status of various social groups.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:723-728
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The medical organization of primary care: competitiveness and reputation
The article investigated the state of the competitive environment on the market of medical services of the Krasnodar territory, which included socio-economic indicators needed to understand current market conditions such as the number of medical organizations of primary care and health manpower; the volume of paid medical services, rendered to population of the region and individual costs for medical services; the investment performance of the industry, the possibility of participation of private medical organizations in the implementation of the Territorial program of obligatory medical insurance.The author's interpretation reveals the concept of «business reputation of a primary-level medical organization». It is proved that the «business reputation» on the Internet or online reputation has become a strategic tool for ensuring the competitive advantages of a primary - level medical organization. The content analysis of Internet resources conducted in the study showed that the online reputation of a primary care organization is primarily patient reviews (negative and positive), and online reputation management in the Internet is continuous work with patient reviews, the process of communicating with the audience, publishing information materials, etc.Monitoring popular sites on this topic prodoctorov.ru and Yandex. Search and analysis of patient reviews of medical organizations in Sochi allowed the authors to assess the online reputation of primary care organizations.In conclusion, the article presents an algorithm for managing online reputation on the Internet to ensure the competitiveness of primary care organizations.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:729-735
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The study examines the issues of assessing the impact on occupational safety of public health workers of psycho-emotional factors associated with the provision of medical services and the socio-economic and industrial conditions of their work. As the analysis conducted by the authors on the basis of foreign sources showed, this problem is characteristic not only for Russia, but also for most medical institutions in other countries. It should be noted that these problems were especially aggravated during the coronavirus pandemic, when it was necessary to work in conditions of increased risk of infection, in excess of the established time norm, etc. Moreover, the tools to overcome professional burnout and improve occupational safety are providing medical institutions with the required personnel in sufficient quantities to solve the tasks, providing diagnostic and medical equipment, as well as protective equipment. It is very important that evidence-based labor standards are implemented, as they have not been reviewed in most cases since Soviet times. At the same time, ensuring decent work indicators, especially wages, is very important.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:736-740
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Influence of monotony of work on psychophysiological health of drivers of electric rolling stock of railway transport
The article presents the results of the author's research that determines the degree of influence of monotonous (monotonous) labor processes on the drivers (and their assistants) of traction rolling stock of railway transport. Information is collected in order to develop a set of measures to overcome the monotony of work, improve the quality of working life and psychophysiological health of employees, and as a result, ensure traffic safety, improving the safety system for drivers and improving the quality of passenger transport.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:741-747
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The rapidly changing conditions of a modern unstable society change all spheres of human activity, including education. The increasing complexity of the educational process leads to an increase in the burden on higher education teachers. The implementation of pedagogical activities is accompanied by a number of difficulties, some of which are largely experienced by teachers, difficult to solve and become life difficulties. Life difficulties related to professional activity affect the state of health and worsen it. The work attempts to identify the relationship between the life difficulties of university teachers and the presence of chronic diseases.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:748-753
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Making management decisions of oncopathology prevention based on monitoring of disease dynamics and trends
The article deals with results of comparative analysis of the dynamics and trends of the incidents of malignant neoplasms in the population of the Moscow region. The Central Federal district and the Russian federation as a whole according to Rosstat data for 2009-2018. It was established that in Moscow region in comparison with other territories, the level and growth rates of the incidence of malignant neoplasms were lower. In the structure of the incidence of malignant neoplasms, the first rank places are occupied by breast, skin, lung, colon and prostate cancer. Attention is drawn to the fact that over the entire period of observation, the indicator of the number of people under medical supervision in the Moscow region was consistently higher than in the Russian Federation and the Central Federal district. Over the period of 2012-2018, the share of malignant neoplasms of the first stage of the spread of the tumor process increased by 23.4% in the region, and the share of stages III and IV decreased (by 16.9% and 12.3%, respectively).The increase in the number of newly detected malignancies seems to be due to increased diagnostic capabilities in recent times.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:754-757
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Russian media about medical innovations and technologies
The current state of demand for medical information in the media has a high practical significance for the mass audience. Medicine is a science-intensive, rapidly developing field. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically inform the public about the achievements of medicine - in science, technology and industry, explaining the essence and possible consequences of a scientific discovery, popularizing methods of treatment of a particular disease, introducing society to innovative technological processes in the medical field, achievements and developments of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. The paper reviews the experience of media coverage of medical issues in the aspect of familiarity with innovations and technologies in the context of historical development both in our country and abroad. It also describes the presentation of medical topics in modern media - in periodicals, on radio, on television - in popular science programs or TV movies, in electronic sources. In addition, the article analyzes the genre diversity of the presentation of medical topics. The paper provides information about the media coverage of the main directions of the national project “Health” and its innovative directions.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:758-761
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Organizational reserves saving the population's health from diseases of the circulatory system
Modern approaches to public health protection in the world are increasingly focused on health conservation, which involves focusing health care efforts on prevention. Timely identification of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and provision of effective medical care is the main organizational reserve for preventing health losses. Based on the concept of “cardiovascular continuum”, analysis of literature sources and the study itself, organizational measures have been developed to preserve health and prevent health losses and reduce mortality from diseases of the circulatory system. From the perspective of the concept of “cardiovascular continuum”, the causes of death from BSC are two parallel interrelated processes: arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, which are the consequences of endothelial dysfunction. Analysis of literature sources and survey results 123 of experts and healthcare professionals in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation show that adequate and timely medical care to the population at BSK, and a reduction in population systolic blood pressure and the reduction of lepidopteron low-density (LDL) are organizational reserves predotvratit loss health and reduce mortality from CVD. We have developed a set of measures to reduce mortality from circulatory diseases in accordance with the concept of the “cardiovascular continuum” include the following: increase population coverage with BSK medical assistance; medical surveillance and treatment of patients with prehypertension; decreased population levels of cholesterol in arterial hypertension (AH); carrying out of thrombolytic therapy; medical emergency cardiovascular conditions in accordance with the concept of “Golden hour”; improving the provision of medicines to the population, increasing the provision of cardiologists to the population. The implementation of a set of measures in the pilot rural district allowed reducing the total mortality of the population for the year of analysis by 12%.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:762-765
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Development of entrepreneurship in the field of medical care based on the franchising model
The article deals with the issues of functioning of Russian medical centers on the terms of franchising, relevant for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of medical care. Over the past few years, the number of private medical organizations in the Russian Federation has been growing, and the number of business representatives who want to participate in the development of entrepreneurship and conduct socially significant activities in the field of medical care has been increasing. The search for the most effective ways to establish and develop a business in the medical industry contributes to the growing interest in the franchise model, which allows you to expand the scale of your business. In the medical services market, the franchising model is currently much less common than in such areas as retail, hotel services and catering, however, it is in the medical industry that there is a great growth potential for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of medical services based on the franchising model. Thanks to the use of the franchising model, it is possible to predict an increase in the service culture in the business environment and the output of domestic companies to international markets. Infrastructure support plays an important role in the development of medical franchising: Internet resources, training technologies, platforms for exchanging information, experience and tools for promoting the network of franchising enterprises. Despite the fact that in modern conditions, commodity and productive franchising are predominant, and the practice of operating Russian medical centers on the terms of franchising is poorly developed, there are prospects for development and social value for the Russian market of medical services in the field of medical services.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:766-772
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Main indicators of morbidity and expected long life of the population of the northern region of Russia
This article analyzes the main indicators of the incidence and life expectancy of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) over a twenty-year period. An increase in the incidence rate of the population was revealed that exceeded the average for the country and the Far Eastern Federal District, including for oncological diseases, the level of which increased several times in the republic. The value of the indicator of life expectancy in the republic approached the average Russian level, while 20 years ago a much lower indicator was determined. In the dynamics of indicators of the morbidity of the population and life expectancy over a twenty-year period, a polynomial trend has been outlined. For example, the incidence of neoplasms and diseases of the circulatory system showed a sharp increase in 2004, followed by a decrease, for diseases of the digestive system - similarly, an increase in 2001 and a subsequent decrease. This aspect requires an additional detailed study of the causes of such changes in order to be able to predict them in the future.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:773-777
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Methods for quality of life assessment in children with orphanic diseases
Orphan (rare) diseases include congenital or acquired diseases, the frequency of occurrence of which does not exceed a certain number established by the laws of various countries. Despite its rarity, the orphan diseases make a significant contribution to the structure of population disability and most of them have no specific treatment. One of the main clinical challenges in these patients is to ensure their high quality of life (QOL). The review describes basic non-specific and specific questionnaires for assessing QOL in children with orphan diseases. An ideal questionnaire for assessing QOL in children with orphan disease should be sufficiently reliable, valid, sensitive and specific, fill out by a child or adolescents on their own, include questions covering as much as possible all areas of life and health aspects - especially those associated with the main decease. The questionnaire should not be too huge and complicated for the patient. From the side of the researcher, the simplicity of the tool in calculating and the ability to use the results for subsequent analysis are important.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:778-784
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Development of the concept of “lean polyclinics”
The article considers the first results of the Federal priority health care project that began in 2018 in Russia, aimed at organizing a new model of medical care. The mechanism of operation of a perfect polyclinic from the point of view of lean production is formed and developed thanks to management decisions based on the principles of lean production, allowing to increase the efficiency of the health care system. Definition of technology “lean clinic”, using basic tools and structuring of losses in the field of medicine, according to the methodology of lean production, along with the generalization of positive foreign experience of introduction of technologies of lean production in health and its adaptation in Russia, will create a comfortable environment for doctors, medical staff and patients. The article presents statistical and analytical data on the regional practice of implementing the concept of “lean polyclinic”, as well as expert assessments that allow us to draw conclusions about the progress of the project.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:785-790
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Features of demographic trends and infant mortality in the Republic of Dagestan
The article analyzes the regional characteristics of the demographic development of the Republic of Dagestan, presents the results of the analysis of infant mortality rates in the republic, gives a structure of the causes of infant mortality, identifies the main indicators of natural growth and population decline. The results of the study showed that in Dagestan infant mortality is one of the highest among the subjects of Russia in 2018 - 8.3 ‰ per 1000 live births (national average - 5.1 ‰, North-Western Federal District - 6.8 ‰); the main cause of death in infants under 1 year of age in Dagestan are individual conditions that occur during the perinatal period
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:791-794
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Main directions of activity of the institute of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in assistance of protection of health and formation of the environment of “safe childhood” from positions of public health
In a rapidly changing world, legal protection of children from the standpoint of public health, namely from the standpoint of protecting the health of the child population from the adverse effects of various factors, including social ones, is of particular importance, thereby complementing the concept of “safe childhood” in terms of risk management safety of a child’s life and his health. Despite the fact that the institution of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in Russia was established more than ten years ago and is active in promoting the protection of children's health, many medical workers, specialists in healthcare and preventive medicine, unfortunately, are not fully aware of functions of this state structure and, accordingly, do not use its resource capabilities in the implementation of key installations of national projects. The aim of this work was to analyze the types of activities of the institution of the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of the Child to identify and present the modern features of his human rights and operational-organizational assistance in protecting health and creating an environment for “safe childhood” from the standpoint of public health.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:795-798
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Clinical and economical aspects of a social support program for the free making and repair dentures in the territory of the Moscow region for 2016-2018
The Government of the Moscow Region has approved more than 120 different social support measures for residents of the Moscow Region. Their aim is to help disadvantaged groups. The social support program of making and repair dentures for Moscow region residents provides preservation of dental health and restoration of masticatory effectiveness. A retrospective analysis of program implementation for the period from 2016 to 2018 showed an increase of 19% in the average cost of treatment. We found a correlation between the cost of conventional unit of labor and the exchange rate, an increase in the salaries of doctors and nurses, and tariffs for utilities. Planning the subsidies allocated for the implementation of social support measures is an extremely laborious and responsible process, therefore, proper financing requires taking into account all existing factors affecting the economic situation in the context of not only the Moscow Region, but also the Russian Federation.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:799-802
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Drug turnover in the Russian Federation: customs aspect
The current state of the Russian pharmaceutical market, its potential and development trends are significant for the state. The medical industry is strategically important, requiring efforts in its maintenance and development, which is reduced to reducing dependence on imported goods and origin. But at the same time, full import substitution in this industry is out of the question. In the context of global globalization and the current state of Affairs, the exchange of experience and medicines as its results is extremely important and relevant. Compliance with customs legislation when importing goods to the territory of the EEU is a fundamental principle of foreign economic activity, including medicines. The article analyzes the procedure for moving medicines, taking into account legislative innovations.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:803-809
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Availability and need for population of the federal districts in hospital beds
Providing the population with the necessary bed stock is an important task of public health. In order to compare the level of security and the population's need for hospital beds in the territory of the Federal districts of Russia, the study used the following methods: analytical, logical and descriptive statistics. Data on the population and bed Fund were taken from the official reports of Rosstat and the Ministry of health of Russia for 2016-2018. The population's need for hospital beds was calculated as the ratio of the product of the number of bed days per 1000 inhabitants and the population to the average annual bed occupancy multiplied by 1000. In the course of the study, the dynamics of the reduction of the bed stock in various profiles was identified and the population's need for hospital beds was determined, taking into account various variants of the population forecast. It was found that the optimization of hospital beds, in addition to economic interests, should be considered opportunities for providing outpatient and inpatient care, improve efficiency and quality of hospital care, as well as the necessity of forming a reserve of hospital beds in case of mass sanitary losses or increase the level of hospitalization of citizens in a short period of time.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:810-816
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Professional satisfaction of the medical staff of the scientific and practical dental complex
A survey of dentists and managing clinics-branches of the scientific and practical dental complex showed a high level of professional satisfaction. The main advantages in the activities of rapidly developing network-type dental clinics that actively implement the most advanced, unique technologies and tools have been identified. The main motivational factors that positively affect the result of staff activities, as well as reduce their degree of professional satisfaction, are identified. Moreover, according to the results of respondents' answers, approaches were identified to improve the motivating component in personnel management, as well as to level existing problems within the team. Studying the opinions of medical personnel (doctors and managers) will help the administration to analyze the potential of the personnel potential of clinics and will contribute to the development of plans to improve the organization of staff work and network development.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:817-821
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Cartographical analysis of the status of indicators of total morbidity and mortality of population in subjects of the Russian Federation for 10 years
Over the years, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, various indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of regional health care have been used. Providing well-grounded scientific and methodological recommendations on the use of instruments for measuring the ratio of indicators of general morbidity and total mortality at the federal level to health authorities helps in their motivation to achieve the target (expected) results expressed in terms of public health. An analysis of the correlation of indicators of general morbidity and mortality makes it possible to timely find resources in those areas that contribute to achieving the maximum efficiency of medical organizations.The article presents indicators of the general morbidity and general mortality of the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the values of the ratios of these indicators for the period 2008-2017. Correlation and cartographic analyzes of indicators of general morbidity and general mortality were carried out.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:822-826
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The Russian healthcare image transformation during the pandemic COVID-19 in the info field
The article represents the results of a studying the information field of the healthcare sector in Russia. Measurements were made in the Yandex search engine, as well as in the Medialogia media database. The study was conducted between December 01, 2019 and may 15, 2020. The results of the studying are one part of the studying of the image of Russian healthcare and may be necessary for further work on its correction.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:827-833
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Labor standards for providing medical care: theory and practice of use
This article presents an analysis of the orders of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation on the procedures for the provision of medical care, of which the recommended staffing standards are an integral part. Systematic erroneous provisions of regulatory documents were identified: general and typical for the normative number of employees in providing medical care to patients in outpatient and hospital settings. The authors have convincingly proved the need to revise documents on the Procedures for the provision of medical care in terms of labor standards.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:834-839
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Cross-cultural strategies analysis of hygienic expertise in education
The article presents an overview of the problem of strategies for hygienic expertise in education. The purpose of the article is to identify special formats of strategies for hygienic expertise in education from the perspective of modern practices of cross-cultural analysis based on a review of a sample of sources in the WoS and Scopus databases of domestic and foreign science. The research is based on the methodology of cross-cultural approach; the research used methods of analytical review of publications (WoS, Scopus, RSCI databases), interpretation, contextual analysis, statistical methods, which made it possible to study special formats of strategies for hygienic expertise in education and identify the specifics of the interpretation of hygienic expertise in modern domestic and foreign studies. Based on a scientific review of a sample of sources, the main approaches to the interpretation and definition of hygienic expertise are defined. The content and subject of research is established, taking into account cross-cultural characteristics, geographical distribution of publications. Based on the existing knowledge, the main types of strategies for hygienic expertise are identified: medical-physiological, psychological-biological, socio-pedagogical, cultural-humanitarian, which are the methodological basis for preparing and making decisions in education. In conclusion, the article summarizes the features of research on hygiene expertise strategies in education from the perspective of modern practices of cross-cultural analysis in domestic and foreign science.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:840-850
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Basic aspects of organizing medical training in the context of a coronavirus pandemic
The article discusses the changes made to the existing procedure for continuing medical education and the accreditation of medical workers due to a pandemic that began with the outbreak of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in early 2020. Under current circumstances, medical organizations encountered difficulties in organizing quarantine, purchasing disinfecting drugs, personal protective equipment and additional medical equipment, the need to introduce an emergency mode of work for employees, so there was a need to review and develop new rules for the work of medical workers during a coronavirus pandemic. Medicine is one of the progressive fields of scientific and entrepreneurial activity, making high demands on medical workers. Therefore, continuous training of doctors and medical personnel is caused by vital necessity, especially in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Currently, the legislative level provides for the re-profiling of doctors of other specialties and the involvement of teachers and general medical organizations in the fight against coronavirus infection. In the face of the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, it was decided to transfer educational institutions to distance learning using educational technologies, which also requires great efforts on the part of doctors, as medical specialists need not only a large amount of theoretical knowledge , but also a sufficient number of practical skills. The article presents statistical and analytical data, the results of surveys of Russian doctors, expert estimates that allow us to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of educational programs and courses for the professional retraining of doctors in the context of a coronavirus pandemic.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:851-856
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Evaluation of the quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease
The aim of this study was to analyze quality-of-life parameters in patients with coronary heart disease in Chelyabinsk region. The number of patients with coronary heart disease who took part in this research was 830 people. The data were collected with using of application form that was supplemented by the Russian-language questionnaire SF-36. We determined the medical and social characteristics, the assessment of the conditions and lifestyle of patients with coronary heart disease, and the subjective assessment of the quality of life by themselves. We have been revealed statistically significant differences in assessing the quality of life by patients of different territorial groups. The data should be differentially use in developing of regional and territorial programs in order to reduce mortality from coronary heart disease.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28:857-862
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