Vol 29, No 4 (2021)

Full Issue

The COVID-19: pandemic, vaccination, social dispositions of Russians
Tanatova D.K., Yudina T.N.
The article describes, on the basis of the results of content analysis of posts and comments in social networks, the actual situation with coronavirus infection including its overcoming, security maintaining, possibility of risks and threats occurrence and acceptance/refusal of vaccination as well. The desk research technique was applied to analyze documents and publications of the WHO, live data from national resource www.стопкоронавирус.рф, statistical information, results of sociological surveys of leading sociological companies.It is demonstrated that how the situation concerning coronavirus and vaccination issues in various Russian regions changed, including causes of different dispositions of residents. Three stable social groups were identified, provisionally designated as optimists, moderate and pessimists. The classification is based on differences in assessment of the epidemiological situation.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):831-836
The social health of citizen of the Eurasian Economic Union in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic
Osadchaya G.I., Seleznev I.A., Kireev E.Y., Kiseleva E.E.
The article considers, on the basis of results of sociological research, consequences of pandemic impact on social health of citizens of the Eurasian Economic Union states. The comparative analysis was applied to two groups of labor migrants from the EAEU states in Moscow and Russian citizens of the same age. The measures taken by the EAEU to maintain population social health in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic are considered.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):837-843
The mental reactions of psychiatrists and narcologists against the background of COVID-19 pandemic
Novikov V.V., Novikova A.M., Petrov D.S., Volodin B.Y., Filimonov A.P.
The article considers various mental reactions of psychiatrists and narcologists against the background of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, based on a brief scientific analysis of publications and experimental psychological research methods. The purpose of study was to identify impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of psychiatrists and psychiatrists-narcologists. The results of survey of psychiatrists and narcologists are presented. The study was carried out using such test techniques as life quality scale SF-36 (Health Status Survey), Lazarus questionnaire “Coping Behaviors” adjusted to conditions of Russia and Hamilton scales to assess depression and anxiety (HDRS, HARS). The results.The low level of psychological well-being, moderate degree of preference for all coping strategies were established. The anxiety was determine in 34.8% of respondents and depression in 8.7%. It was established that actually, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical workers is conditioned by complex of mental reactions (from anosognosia to expressed anxiety and depressive disorders) and is accompanied by increasing general anxiety.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):844-847
The new approaches to legal regulation of application of medical technologies in The Russian Federation at present-day period
Ivanov D.V., Shevchenko O.A.
The article presents analysis of legal regulation of medical technologies in Russia. The proper development of medicine and health care is impossible without permanent improvement and implementation of new medical technologies. The upcoming decades will be an era of development of bio-technologies, cellular and gene technologies included. The proposed analysis is focused on conceptual set, analysis of actual normative legal base regulating mentioned relationships and identification of perspectives of development of medical technologies. The adequate and competent legal regulation creates enabling environment developing new technological capabilities. The legislation should avoid inhibiting retributive mode and apply particularly permitting and regulating approach determining framework not to be violated. Undoubtedly, these activities should be carried out in conjunction with professional medical community to develop legislation ensuring the highest possible level of development of health care practice.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):848-855
The prospective directions of development of entrepreneurship in health care of the Russian Federation
Kobyatskaya E.E., Zhilina T.N.
The analysis of international data established that the national indicator of population health quality in the Russian Federation is significantly lower than in the EU, the USA and Canada. In this regard, the urgency of enhancement of state policy concerning updating and promoting development of national health care system,involving available resources of the public and private health sectors is obvious. The development of entrepreneurship in health care should be considered as a mean of improving social and economic efficiency of health care system in Russia. The purpose of study was to analyze perspective directions of development of entrepreneurial initiatives in national health care. On the basis of analysis of corresponding normative legal acts and publications, it is demonstrated that in national health care system prerequisites are establishing to implement new opportunities for patient-oriented entrepreneurial activities associated with development of digital technologies, e-Health, new forms of public-private partnership focused primarily on prevention and rehabilitation of patients.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):856-860
The organizational culture as factor of assurance of loyalty of personnel of medical organizations
Aksenova E.I., Safonov K.B., Ananchenkova P.I.
The organizational (corporate) culture is relevant to beliefs and values existing in the organization during long time and also to behavior practices of personnel effecting attitude to work and interpersonal communications. The healthy corporate culture promotes development of positive reputation of physicians, trust and loyalty of patients and medical personnel. It also supports higher compliance to therapy, culture of treatment and forms corresponding behavior of patient (increasing of preventive activities). The purpose of study is to consider opportunities of organizational culture of medical institutions in promoting loyalty of personnel and decreasing of stuff turnover.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):861-864
The analysis of morbidity and mortality of population because of diseases of blood circulation system
Budaev B.S., Kitsul I.S., Tarmaeva I.Y., Bogdanova O.G.
The article presents results of comparative analysis of morbidity and mortality of diseases of circulatory system in the Republic of Buryatia in 2003-2018. The population mortality depends on identification of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of circulatory system and subsequent coverage of population with medical care, including dispensary monitoring. The analysis was based on data from State statistical reporting forms and official data of the Territorial Board of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Republic of Buryatia, including the form № 12 “The information on number of diseases registered in patients residing in area of medical organization servicing activity”; the form № 025-12/s “The Out-Patient Registration Card”; the form № 25-2/y “The Statistical Coupon for Final (updated) Diagnosis Registration”. The study was carried out using statistical, analytical and comparative analysis methods. Currently, in the Republic of Buryatia, diseases of circular system occupying second place in the structure of total morbidity (15.7%) and primary disability of adult population (28.6%) are among leading cause of total population mortality (41.6%).
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):865-870
The methodological approaches to classification of diseases of blood circulation system according to severity degree based on statistic data of population appealing for medical care
Zaitseva N.V., Kiryanov D.A., Tsinker M.Y., Babina S.V.
In The Russian Federation, increasing of life expectancy and decreasing of mortality related to diseases of circulatory system are the priorities of state policy. The purpose of study was to develop approaches to the classification of cardiovascular diseases by severity degree within the framework of development of general health management model based on health care activities at the regional level. The article describes methodology of calculating indices of cardiovascular diseases severity based on statistical data of appealability for out-patient, in-patient and emergency medical care. The set of balancing coefficients reflecting input of rate of accessing for various types of medical care, as well as aggravating input of concomitant pathology, based on expert evaluation of cardiologists involved is presented. On the basis of analysis of distribution of severity index in standard region of the Russian Federation, the system of criteria was developed to classify cardiovascular diseases (according to ICD-10 sub-classes) on four degrees of severity. The approbation of the proposed method demonstrated adequacy of the results obtained to judging of experts (cardiologists). So, in standard region of the Russian Federation, in the class of diseases of circulatory system (I00-I99), 79.6% of all cases are of first degree of severity, 8.6% of cases are of second degree of severity, 3.8% of cases are of third degree, and 8% of cases are of fourth degree. The methodology is unified and can be applied to classify entire spectrum of diseases by degree of severity. Besides, the proposed methodological approaches are suitable to be applied in population health management at the municipal, regional and national levels in the Russian Federation.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):871-876
The actual problems of planning of obstetric-gynecologic care in The Russian Federation
Schipova V.M., Shchepin V.O., Mirgorodskaya O.V.
The purpose of the study was to analyze normative legal documents and their modifications in order to determine the labor standards of medical personnel in case of rendering and planning obstetric gynecological care in the Russian Federation, including standards of number of medical personnel in medical organizations and modes of operation of various types. The materials of the study were normative legal documents presented at the WEB-portal “garant.ru”. The comparative analysis of actual normative legal set of documents concerning labor standards in the profile of “obstetrics and gynecology” demonstrated that the new order of Minzdrav of Russia № 1130n of 20.10.2020 introduced significant changes as compared with the current one. Its provisions contribute to reducing staffing by obstetricians-gynecologists of medical organizations providing primary health care, and to decreasing significantly the number of nurses for all types of considered medical organizations. The main drawback of the new order and the erroneousness of the orders on Procedures of Minzdrav of Russia in terms of staff support of round-the-clock functioning are demonstrated. The methodology of calculating the number of positions under different modes of operation of medical organizations are presented. The dynamics of general population morbidity in classes “Pregnancy, childbirth and complications of the postpartum period” and “Diseases of the genitourinary system” was analyzed.The corresponding trends were prognosticated for the period up to 2024. The results of the study testify the necessity to amend actual normative legal documents governing labor standards of medical personnel in case of providing obstetric gynecological and other types of medical care in the Russian Federation.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):877-884
The analytical review of normative and organizational support of functioning of perinatal service in The Russian Federation in 2000-2020
Sharapova O.V., Mingazova E.N., Nesterov A.S., Gerasimova L.I., Petrova I.A., Shigabutdinova T.N.
The formation of code of normative legal documents ensuring activities of perinatal service is one of the most important, basic organizational technologies that determine activities of obstetrics and childhood services, contributing to increasing of natality, decreasing of maternal and infant morbidity, and maternal and childhood health care in general. The article presents analysis of formation of normative legal base that regulates functioning of perinatal service in the Russian Federation in 2000-2020. Actually, there is no objective prerequisites for fundamental alterations in the three-level system of medical care of women during pregnancy, labor, postpartum period and newborns. However, the regulatory adjustment of the system, improvement and refinement of models of profile patients' routing, development of medical care of pregnant women, parturient women and puerpera will proceed.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):885-891
The morbidity and mortality of cervix cancer in The Russian Federation in 2007-2018
Tatarinova T.A.
All around the world, about 570 000 of new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed annually and more than 300 000 of women die of this pathology. In the Russian Federation, in 2018, more than 17 500 of new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed and more than 6 000 of women died of this pathology. The purpose of the study was to analyze incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2007-2018. The analysis of incidence rates of cervical cancer in the Russian Federation in 2007-2018 established steady trend of increasing of incidence rate from 12.8 (2007) to 15.8 (2018). The incidence rate increased up to 26.6%. The increasing is most pronounced in the age groups of 35-39, 40-44 and 45-49 years. The analysis of dynamics of mortality rates established relative stability indices in 2007-2018 (5.11 and 5.07 in standardized rates per 100 000). The decrease of 2018 as compared to 2007 made up to 0.78%. In most age groups mortality rates are decreasing. However, significant increase of mortality rate in age group of 40-44 years was established amounted up to 25%.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):892-897
The analysis of opinions of pediatricians about organization and perspectives of development of primary medical sanitary care of children
Alikova Z.R., Anaeva L.A., Kozyreva F.U., Yakhyaeva Z.I.
The analysis of opinions of district pediatricians about state and perspectives of development of primary medical sanitary care for children in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic permitted to obtain competent assessment of quality of polyclinic medical care. The positive tendencies in activities of children polyclinics were established. However, the problem of achieving higher quality of medical care of children continues to be actual. According to survey results, character and direction of organizational managerial decision making concerning improvement of material and technical equipment of children polyclinics in accordance with modern requirements (37.6%), elimination of defects in organization of free medication support (63.6%), improvement of organization of free nutrition supply of children (50%), etc. Among the priority tasks of pediatric service is the solution of the medical personnel issue and full staffing of pediatric districts with physicians (66.7%), paramedical personnel (29.6%) and medical specialists (61.7%), as well as the need to include in staff of the polyclinic positions of child psychologist (54.0%) and social worker (31.5%). One of the main problems of primary medical sanitary care of modern pediatric service remains high work overload of district pediatricians that which undoubtedly impacts quality of medical and preventive activities. The low readiness of district pediatricians to active acceptance of innovative transformations in functioning of children polyclinic, requiring psychological readjustment of medical personnel is established. This was most strikingly manifested by process of implementing information technologies and the National project “Lean Polyclinic”. All issues identified by sociological survey significantly strained during coronavirus pandemic in 2020. The pandemic inputted its own adjustments in medical care support of children in the region. Despite the fact that disease did not affect children to large extent, due to prolonged absence of physicians suffering from coronavirus, quality of dynamic monitoring and treatment of children suffered. Factually, no dispensarization activities were implemented and prevention measures as well. The results of survey contributes to the formation of monitoring of quality of out-patient care of children at the regional level and makes the research data highly relevant.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):898-903
The measurement of degree of satisfaction of patients at evaluation of quality of applied services in hospital on the basis of SERVQUAL technique
Danilov A.V.
This article discusses clauses of national standards compatible with international standards of ISO 9000-9001 family,in section of measurement of degree of satisfaction of patients with medical services quality. The main methods applied are sociological survey SERVQUAL focused on measurement of degree of satisfaction of patients, GAP-analysis (identification of discrepancies and gaps) and technique of management decision-making concerning improvement of medical services quality. The SERVQUAL survey with its five qualitative criteria was applied. The primary data was obtained from sampling of 500 well structured questionnaires. In total, 365 respondents participated in the study. The produced correlation matrix confirmed strong relations between criteria estimating expected and interpreted quality of medical services and full average interpreted quality. The analysis of reliability confirmed that questions of questionnaire are reliable and the results of statistical calculations can be used in further analysis. The analysis of descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, patient profile, reliability and qualitative GAP analysis were carried out. The requirements of assuring reliability and adequacy of questionnaire, representativeness of sample size to carry out high quality measurements were kept. The results on every criterion were obtained. The qualitative results of discrepancy of and perceptions of patients are received. The negative values of indices of discrepancy of the interpreted and expected outcomes of medical services are received. The level of satisfaction of patients remains insufficient. The study proposes to improve quality of medical services in hospital, especially by criterion “Materiality” to justify expectations of patients. The results of the study are of practical importance for executives of regional health care administrations, head physicians of medical organizations engaged in improvement of medical care quality and increasing of efficiency of medical services.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):904-908
The particular medical social problems of individuals of elderly and senile age as exemplified by the Rostov Oblast
Puzin S.N., Grechko A.V., Memetov S.S., Kobzev Y.V., Petrova V.N.
The article analyzes dynamics of main indices of disability in population older than able-bodied age in the Rostov Oblast. The trend of decreasing of scope of examinations of individuals of the mentioned age group, including decreasing the number of first and iteratively recognized as the disabled, against the background of increasing in the population structure of percentage of individuals older than able-bodied age. At the same time, increasing of accumulated disability was established in the studied category of population.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):909-912
The effect of education level on intensity of using medical care by women of reproductive age
Cherkasov S.N., Sopova I.L.
The education is often considered as one of the basic social determinants of population health, but its impact on the need for medical care is to be studied. The purpose of the study is to analyze effect of education as health social determinant on intensity of medical care consumption by women of reproductive age. The sampling consisted of 566 non-pregnant women aged 18-49 years residing in Samara and being monitored in municipal antenatal clinics. The level of territorial accessibility of medical care for all women participating in the study did not differ reliably. The data was obtained using anonymous survey with adapted questionnaire “Research of social determinants of health”. The first comparison group included 306 women with higher or incomplete higher education (high educational status). The second comparison group included 260 women with secondary or specialized secondary education (lower educational status). Each of the groups was divided into four subgroups based on age characteristic (18-25, 26-34, 35-42, 43-49 years). In the group of women with a high educational status, volume of consumption of out-patient medical care were higher and decreasing of health self-rating was accompanied by decreased rate of visits to ambulatory physicians (r = -0.67). Whereas in women with low educational status, decreasing of health self-rating is accompanied by decreased rates of visits to ambulatory physicians (r=0.5). With age increased, volume of out-patient medical care consumption in group of women with high educational status increases, while in group of women with low educational status this volume decreases. The lower rate of out-patient medical care consumption results in increasing of volume of in-patient medical care consumption in the group of women with low educational status. Despite the same increasing dynamics of volume of consumption of in-patient medical care in women with different educational statuses, gain rate of demand is significantly higher in group of women with low educational status (1.42% versus 2.54% of annual gain in consumption). More significant increase in consumption of emergency medical care was observed in group of women with low educational status (annual increase 3% versus 0.22%).
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):913-917
Rostovskaya T.K., Ivanova A.E., Knyazkova E.A.
Actually, one of the world trends in social policy in the field of health care is self-preserving behavior of population as readiness of each member of society to take responsibility for maintenance of one's own health and prolongation of life activity. The value of health becomes not only human, personally significant, but also social capital, without which it is impossible to achieve high indices of social development, as well as ensuring national security of the state. The measures of public policy of the Russian Federation are targeted to developing culture of self-preserving behavior of Russians, that is reflected in the national projects “Health care” and “Demography”. To assess the self-preserving behavior of Russians, it is necessary to achieve such asks as identification of the need in longevity and the degree of its implementation in various social demographic groups; assessment of features of self-preserving behavior in the context of motives of achieving longevity; determination of the response in various social demographic groups to demographic policy targeted to preserve population health and to decrease mortality; analysis of popular practices of self-preserving behavior. The article presents the results of sociological survey on the subject “Demographic well-being of Russia”, carried out by the Institute of social political research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2020-2021, in terms of the use by Russians of various practices of self-preserving behavior.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):918-927
The effect of medical organizational factors on morbidity of mental and behavior disorders
Gaidarov G.M., Apkhanova N.S., Dushina E.V., Vorsina O.P., Alekhin I.N.
Currently, the characteristic of dynamics of morbidity of mental disorders of population of the Russian Federation is its increasing simultaneously with changing in structure of contingents in the direction of decreasing number of patients subjected to dispensary monitoring. The study of influence of medical organizational factors on morbidity of mental disorders demonstrated the role of provision with psychiatrists in dynamics of prevalence of mental disorders. The improvement of management of patients with mental disorders should be supported by appropriate resources and adaptation of mental service to actual conditions, in particular, solving the problem of manpower deficiency of psychiatrists.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):928-932
The diet behavior of children in vegetarian families: The care of health or cruel treatment?
Besschetnova O.V.
The article considers the issue of alternative dietary intake in children of vegetarian families, both in Russia and abroad. The types of vegetarianism, its advantages and limitations are highlighted on the basis of empirical studies of national and foreign researchers. The emphasis is made on the risks to physical and mental health of children in case of unbalanced diet and on the need for regular consultations with pediatricians and nutritionists as well.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):933-939
The modification of predictors of course of acute period of craniocerebral trauma under implementation of stream model of medical care support
Kosolapov A.A., Lukyanchikov V.A., Artemjeva G.B., Zorin R.A., Zhadnov V.A., Kurdanov M.A., Leonov G.A., Burshinov A.O., Lapkin M.M.
The specificity of course of acute period of craniocerebral injury and organization of medical care support are the factors determining outcomes for this category of patients. The purpose of the study is to investigate changes in predictors of course of acute period course of craniocerebral injury under implementation of stream model of medical care organization. The sampling included 150 patients with moderate and severe craniocerebral injury based on data obtained in 2013 and 2019, respectively. The clinical characteristics of patients (gender, age, level of consciousness, alcoholic intoxication, type of injury) and the characteristics of organization of medical care (mode of admission, qualification of hospital physician, time prior to surgery intervention) were evaluated. The selection of predictors significant for prognosis of outcomes of acute period of craniocerebral injury was implemented on the basis of logit-regression analysis and artificial neural network technology. The sampling of patients was divided into groups on the basis of outcomes of acute period of craniocerebral injury. The groups with relatively favorable and unfavorable course of acute period of craniocerebral injury were identified. It is demonstrated that prior to implementation of stream model of medical care provision, the most significant factors determining outcomes of the acute period of craniocerebral injury were characteristics of organization of medical care of these patients. After implementation of stream model the leading predictors became clinical characteristics of patients.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):940-945
The economic prerequisites of implementation of innovative technologies of mass-spectrometry in diagnostic of bacterial infections
Mironova A.V.
The article presents the results of clinical economical analysis, based on “cost-effectiveness” technology, of MALDI-TOF MS, innovative medical technology of express identification of microorganisms, calculation of incremental indicator and application of notion “willingness-to-pay-threshold”.Due to the extension of sanctions against the Russian Federation, this medical equipment for national laboratories becomes difficult to access and expensive, that conditions necessity to scientifically substantiate economical effectiveness of implementation of expensive innovative MALDI-TOF MS technology as instrument to contain global antibiotic resistance increase. The understanding of importance of express identification of microorganisms as well as other positive effects that can be achieved by using modern medical equipment on the basis of mass spectrometry results in improving medical care quality, increasing reputation level of medical institution, greater commitment of physicians and patients to microbiological analysis with purpose of prescription of rational antibiotic therapy and improving population health.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):946-950
The organization or personified treatment of diseases of coronary arteries considering analysis of bifurcation modifications
Moshkin A.S., Khalilov M.A., Shmeleva S.V., Bonkalo T.I., Aralova E.V., Rybakova A.I., Shchadilova I.S.
The characteristics of development of vascular lines are important for development and improvement of of surgical treatment, decreasing risk of complications and development of personalized approach to treatment of patients. The purpose of the study is to reveal prevalence of different variants of development of common carotid artery bifurcation and to assess their significance for clinical medicine. The sample included 70 volunteers of average age 43.4 ± 10.7 years. The 3D reconstructions of MRI data 1.5 T Brivo 355 were evaluated. The observation data was grouped and processed using software Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS Statistics 20. To summarize the data, 5 main variants of location of great vessels were identified. The most rare types of development and course of carotid arteries in bifurcation area were variants “II” and “III” (8.2% of all observations). The most common development options were “I” (51.4%) and “IV” (31.4%). The variants “I” and “IV” were determined relatively evenly.The variants “II” and “III” were found on the right in 60% and 66.7% correspondingly and “V” option was found on the left in 61.5%. The typical options of location of carotid arteries near the bifurcation (variants “I” and “IV”), 82.8% in total. The cases of ventral position of external carotid artery (variants “II” and “V”) were established in 12.9%. The variant III was found in 4.3% of all cases. The distribution of vascular development options depending on the gender of patients was investigated. The study did not reveal significantly pronounced deviations in distribution of variants of vascular development, taking into account the age factor. The mentioned data permits to judge with confidence about necessity of developing personalized treatment of diseases of carotid arteries, considering their anatomical features of development in bifurcation area.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):951-956
The day hospitals as preventive hospitalization of patients of able-bodied age
Kalininskaya A.A., Konovalov O.E., Merekina M.D., Balsamova L.A., Chizhikova T.V.
In accordance with the Russian Federal Law No. 350 of January 2019 the retirement age for Russians is increased for men from 60 up to 65 years, for women from 55 up to 60 years that requires implementation of organizational technologies of health-preserving, promotion of life and labor potential of population of late able-bodied age. In this regard, the role of day hospitals (DH) functioning directed at maximal possible prolongation of autonomous life and working capacity of elderly population increases. Besides, DH also presents additional reserve of optimization of medical care costs. The purpose of the study is to elaborate guidelines of improving activities of DH for population of late able-bodied age, for the purpose of preventive hospitalization. The study was organized on the basis of pilot medical organization of the Moscow Oblast, consisted of hospital of 600 beds and day hospital of 120 beds. The methods applied included sociological survey, expert judgment, statistical direct observation. The primary data was obtained from the forms of federal and sectorial statistical monitoring for 2014-2018. The analysis of medical documentation concerning pilot medical organization functioning during the year of the study was applied. The sociological surveys of patients of late able-bodied age (5 years before retirement according to the new legislation - men 60-65 years old, women 55-60 years old) who received treatment in day hospital. The results. The analysis of main indices of round-the-clock functioning in-patient and day hospitals in the Russian Federation in 2014-2018 established trend towards improvement of using hospital beds due to development of day hospital. However, bed capacity of hospitals is used ineffectively and experts assume that more than 1/3 of patients could receive medical care or aftercare in day hospitals. The experimental study of planning hospitalization of patients with chronic diseases at out-patient level demonstrated that 11.5% of population of able-bodied age need planned and preventive hospitalization in day hospital. The cost of treatment of patient with chronic pathology is 2-3 times lower in day hospital than in common hospital at the stage of exacerbation. It is reliable to apply at the out-patient level experience of planning hospitalization of patients with chronic pathology in day hospitals followed by performance control. The organization of functioning of day hospital and common hospital requires particular enhancement, including issues of succession, , financing of the DS, the remuneration of medical personnel through effective contract determining interest of physician in early discharge of patient to aftercare in day hospital. The day hospital functioning is to be implemented in 2-3 turns. The day hospital is to be located in detached placement and the departments of base medical institution are to used in fullness. The day hospital is be used more actively for purpose of health preservation of population of late able-bodied age who. This contingent suffers of chronic pathology and is in need of preventive and health-promoting therapy in conditions of day hospital.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):957-962
The methodology of calculation of indices of provision of population with beds of palliative medical care
Stolbov A.P., Halfin R.A., Nevzorova D.B., Polevichenko E.B., Madyanova V.V., Orlov S.A., Lisovsky D.A., Flores M.A.
The enhancement of organization of palliative medical care to increase life quality of terminally ill patients is one of directions of development of health care system. To elaborate measures of improving accessibility and quality of palliative medical care, it is necessary to apply single unified methodology of calculating indices and criteria. One of them is provision of bed capacity. The purpose of the study is to elaborate methodology of calculating control indices of provision population with beds to render palliative medical care. The indices are calculated on the basis of statistical processing of monitoring corresponding data in the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):963-965
The leaflet for patient as requirement for information support format under registration of medicinal preparation according recommendation of the Eurasian Economic Union
Petrosyan N.K., Foteeva A.V., Rostova N.B.
The article considers such new approaches to information maintenance of medicinal preparation in package as requirements for presentation of information, its location according its importance, availability of warning information. The article focuses on necessity of updating format of information maintenance of medicinal preparation and its inclusion in registration dossier.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):966-970
The results of implementation of automated system of diagnosis encoding in multi-field hospital
Berseneva E.A., Mikhaylov D.Y.
The common coding of main diagnosis (so-called “manual coding”) is accompanied by quite many errors associated with inobservance of classification algorithm and subjective causes that in statistical morbidity and mortality data corruption. The article presents the results of implementing automated system of diagnosis coding by the ICD-10 in the departments of the Medicosanitary Unit of MVD of Russia in City of Moscow. The functional and time losses and the error rate were studied under manual coding and automated coding system. In case of common coding of complete clinical diagnosis of one discharged patient per day, it takes from 5 to 15 minutes, for coding diagnoses of all discharged patients - about 1 hour. The number of errors in common coding made up to 14.1% (n=2472) and in case of automated coding it made up to 1.5% (n= 63, p<0.05). The application of automated coding system in medical organizations ensures exact correspondence of clinical and statistical diagnosis, unifies wording of clinical diagnosis, minimizes subjective deviations from algorithm of the ICD-10.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):971-976
The determining factors of qualitative training of students in public health and health care
Tregubov V.N., Garaeva A.S., Skomorokhova T.V., Korkmazova L.K., Tikhomirova L.L.
The inclusion of public health and health care measures in labor functions of professional standards of medical specialists increased significance of mastering of these standards by students during specialty training, since on this depends their successful completion of primary accreditation of specialists and implementation of job descriptions in the course of daily activities. The purpose of the study was to analyze factors determining qualitative of mastering the discipline “Public health and Health Care” by students of medical educational organizations. The analytical, logical, statistical, questionnaire survey and direct ranking methods were applied. The sampling of 316 students of the Sechenov University was involved in survey using questionnaire of 17 closed questions. The study established that the determining factors effecting quality of mastering by students the discipline “Public health and Health Care” are the need to use by physicians this knowledge in the course of their daily activities; the need of students to pass profile exam; the determination of up to 40% of trainees to work as heads of structural units or professionals of health care and public health; the dedication of student; organization of educational process at the Chair; the professionalism of faculty; the application of active learning methods in classroom; organization of career guidance among students.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):977-983
The research potential of educational organizations of research educational medical cluster “The Northern-Caucasian” as a resource of innovative development
Amlaev K.R., Koichueva S.M., Manjarov V.N., Koshel V.I., Hodzhayan A.B.
The article presents the results of comparative analysis of the research potential of participants of the North Caucasian Scientific and Educational Medical Cluster. The differences in the indices of training of residents and post-graduate students, the availability of research and pedagogical personnel, the scope of research studies and income received from their commercialization in educational organizations participating in the cluster were studied. It is noted that the medical faculties of educational organizations of various departmental subordination, in terms of their research activities, differ from medical universities of the Minzdrav of Russia. However, there are intra-departmental imbalances too. The joint use of personnel, technological and other resources of educational organizations can provide synergistic effect in research field.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):984-987
The condition of post-vaccination immunity to diphtheria and tetanus in population of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Niiazalieva M.S., Toygombaeva V.S., Djumalieva G.A., Aldjambaeva I.S.
The serologic epidemiological analysis of intensity of anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus post-vaccination population immunity in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was carried out. The presence of immune defense was determined in 453 residents by detecting IgG to diphtheria and tetanus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using test system RIDASCREEN Diphtherie IgG and RIDASCREEN Tetanus IgG (Germany, R-Biopharm). It was established that the level of antibodies depends on the age of individuals. The highest immune defense against diphtheria is present in adult population aged 20-29 years (100%) and 30 years and older (100%). The lowest level is detected in the group of children of 1-4 years old and is up to 30.6%. The proportion of individuals with protective titer of antibodies ≥ 0.10 for diphtheria was 88.5%. The population intensity of post-vaccination tetanus immunity high antibody titers were established in age groups of 15-19 years (92.9%), 20-29 years (93.3%) and 30 years and older (94.8%). There is relationship between level of antibody titers and the age. Thus, in children age group of 5-9 years, high level of protection was established, that amounted up to 60.4%, in adolescents of 10-14 years old this indicator was 40%, and the lowest level in children aged of 1-4 years old was 39.6%.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):988-991
The failed reform of higher medical education in Russia in the beginning of the XX century
Zatravkin S.N., Egorysheva I.V., Chalova V.V.
In 1907-1910, the Pirogov Society prepared project of large-scale reform of university medical education. The elite of medical community and the students of Russia criticized the organization and content of educational process at medical faculties of Russian universities and developed set of proposals their reforming. In particular, suggestions were made about changing target goals of medical faculties functioning, transferring to two-stage model of training of physician, revising scope and character of teaching theoretical medical disciplines and organizing a number of new chairs.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):992-997
The fighting for history of medicine
Berger E.E., Tutorskaya M.S.
The article considers issues of actual discussion about “death of history of medicine”. For a long time, history of medicine was set out the task to substantiate triumph of one national model and tradition over another one and “to place the past at the service of the future”. For example, Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, believes that historians of medicine in no way respond to such problems of today as commercialization of medicine, drug abuse, paralysis in public health, catastrophic failures in patient care. He assumes this fact being true sign of that the history of medicine “is creeping towards scientific cemetery”. Another reason for appearance of “obituaries” of history of medicine is the regular fact that classical courses almost exclusively consisted of narratives about great physicians and progress of medical science and practice. Moreover, the “medical” history of medicine if is not killed then is severely wounded by arrows flying from all sides - accusations in mistakes, indications on blind spots, myths and deliberate distortion of facts. The analysis of above-listed problems the proposals were developed concerning possible ways of revising academic course according modern requirements: training in the field of critical thinking, communication skills, oral speech and written language, academic writing. These tasks can be achieved by involving materials from museums of history of medicine, museums of universities and medical institutions, by collaboration with historical sources, databases of scientific publications and by engaging invited lecturers of various specialties working with historical and medical topics within the framework of other methodologies.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):998-1004
About the first Soviet therapeutic elite: Lazar Borisovitch Buhshtab, the follower of V. P. Obraztsov, and his clinical school (Odessa)
Borodulin V.I., Vasyliev K.K., Topolyanckiy A.V.
The first Soviet therapeutic elite took shape in the second half of the 1920s. This process was not limited by few capital cities. So, L. B. Buсhstab (1868, Odessa - 1934, Odessa), the oldest follower of V. P. Obraztsov, belonged to it and his professional activity in this time occurred in Odessa. For the first time, relying on archive materials, the main milestones of his biography and his contribution into clinic of internal diseases are highlighted. It is established that prof. Bukhshtab entered the history of national clinic of internal diseases, first of all as a classic of cardiology. The results of study permitted to name among many of his followers six leading representatives of his original school of therapy. They are Semyon Azriyevich Grosman (1882-1956), Anton Antonovich Oks (1891-1972), Alexander Markovich Sigal (1887/1888-1968), Vladimir Adolfovich Triger (1898-1990), Yakov Yulianovich Shpirt (1893-1977) and Mikhail Alexandrovich Yasinovsky (1899-1972). The cited materials demonstrate that the now forgotten school of Buchstab was one of the largest Soviet therapeutic schools of that time, yielding only to few generally recognized leaders (schools of M. P. Konchalovsky, A. N. Kryukov, G. F. Lang, D. D. Pletnev).
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):1005-1010
The diseases of Russia: the medical geographical studies of I. Ya. Lerkhe
Lisitsyna E.A.
The article analyses the process of establishment of medical knowledge concerning territories of the Russian Empire in XVIII century on the basis of written heritage of the Prussian physician Johann Jacob Lerche (1708-1780). The analysis is focused on forms of actual medical geographical studies practiced by European doctors and Lerche himself, first of all on his meteorological observations. The Lerche's interpretations of local natural and social phenomena in construction of medical characteristics of particular corners of the Empire in manuscript about endemics in Russia and Persia are analyzed. The assumption is proposed that studies of Russia implemented by Lerche are constructed on the analogy of summarizing academic descriptions of naturalists of XVIII century. Thereby, the works of Prussian physician seems to be participated in process of development of language of systematization and ranking of diseases and endowed category of “disease” with function of inherent to region characteristic such as climate, flora and fauna.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):1011-1016
“The pestilence vicious was...”: “The Black Death” of XIV century in Rus
Penskoj V.V., Lipich V.V., Reutov N.N., Artyuh A.V.
The pandemic of plague, that affected Eurasia in middle of 40s - early 50s of XIV century and remained in history as as “The Black Death”, became one of the most death-dealing epidemics that ever stroke humankind and recorded in historical sources. Owing to that many documentary and narrative sources remained intact, the history of this pandemic is considered as well examined. This is evidenced by enormous historiography of the problem, including works of the most different character and orientation. Yet, it should be admitted that in national Russian historiography the issues related to history of this pandemic on the Russian land remain to be insufficiently studied. This condition is related to limitation of source base from one hand and to inadequate development of comprehensive approach to exploration of this page of national history. The article, on the basis of analysis of chronicle texts, reconstructs general picture of the pandemic in the Russian land and characterizes its consequences.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2021;29(4):1017-1024

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