Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 30
- URL: https://journal-nriph.ru/journal/issue/view/20
The handling and using of medical research data
The results of scientific research can be trusted when initial data is processed properly. To watch out quality of data is the most important in those research studies that provide their results to Russian health care officials for management decision-making that effect medical care support on national scale. The financial support of science within the framework of public contracts turns out less efficient when deductions are based on unreliably collected, altered or omitted information.When electronic systems are applied in data collection, they are to meet definite requirements. There are several international documents defining requirements to electronic systems collecting and processing information in medical scientific research. In the Russian Federation, such requirements are absent.The solution of this problem is in gradual implementation of common international standards into practice of collecting research data initially through researchers' training and then through Russian regulatory documentation amendment.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):173-177
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The system of mandatory medical insurance as evaluated by patients
The population awareness about merits of mandatory medical insurance (MMI) continues to be inadequate. The study purpose was to investigate opinion of Moscow Oblast residents about MMI system. The sociological survey was carried out according standard technique using specially developed genuine questionnaire. The public opinion was studied in 2013 (584 respondents) and 2017 (709 respondents) on the basis of sampling of visitors of medical organizations. The survey established that percentage of positive responses of respondents concerning their awareness about which medical insurance company they belong slightly increased in 2017. However, every thirteenth still was unaware of it. Only every sixth respondent addresses to insurance company when occur problems related to medical care support. The right to choose insurance company, medical organization and physician was used by 17-22% of respondents in both surveys. In 2013 20% of respondents addressed nowhere due to absence of problems with health services support. In 2017, number of addresses to administrations of medical institutions increased up to 35%. The number of addresses to insurance companies and MMI foundations increased up to 13% and 27% correspondingly. The percentage of respondents with positive answers about being constrained to pay for medical services unofficially decreased up to 18% in 4 years and reached 12,6% in all sampling. Thus, activities concerning population information about changes occurring in health care system, including development of citizen rights is inadequate still. The citizens in number of cases are not interested to obtain necessary information and ignore it down to name of insurance company mentioned on their insurance policy.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):178-183
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The social economic aspects of development of medical services export
The article considers structural changes occurring in market of medical services and market of medical equipment that conditioned formation and development of new type of medical services - medical tourism, intensively altering national economics and impacting international relations. The statistical and analytical data is presented, including results of surveys of citizens of various countries, expertise evaluations permitting to come to conclusions about problems and perspectives of development of international tourism both at national and global levels.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):184-189
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The management of quality and safety of medical activities as world trend in health care: the review
Since the publication of the reports of the Institute of medicine “To Err is to Human” and “Crossing the Quality Chasm” considerable attention in medical organizations all over the world is paid to improving quality medical care and safety of patients. The improvement of quality can consolidate health care delivery systems, improve efficiency of health sector and accelerate achievement of health-related goals. Therefore, quality improvement nowadays occupies meaningful position in health care policy programs in countries with different income levels.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):190-201
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The corporative programs of prevention of occupational diseases
The prevention of occupational and production-conditioned diseases is expressed in complex of systemic measures of medical (sanitary epidemiological, sanitary hygienic, medical preventive, etc.) and non-medical (state, public, economic, legal, technical, organizational technical, environmental, etc.) nature, targeted to decrease risk of developing diseases and deviations in health of employees, to prevent or slow down their progression and to decrease development of unfavorable consequences.The corporate programs and strategies of prevention of occupational and production-conditioned diseases are implemented at enterprise, individual, group, municipal and state levels.The assertion is considered related to accounting in development of prevention of certain risk factors affecting the specific organizational requirements in addition to general principles of prevention of unfavorable effects on organism of workers of such production factors as maintenance of MPC levels, collective means of protection, time protection, distance protection, personal protection, preventive medical check-ups, manufacturing inspection, etc.It is important to pay attention to personal protective equipment for employees of enterprises. Among the priority preventive measures, personal protective equipment is, according to actual standards, to be applied only in cases of impossibility of limiting unfavorable effect of particular risk factor using other methods.The system of prevention of occupational diseases in corporate programs is implemented through complex measures including effectual practice of knowledge and skills in prevention, correction, treatment and rehabilitation health exercises to reduce level of occupational morbidity.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):202-206
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The characteristics of morbidity of population older than able-bodied age in the Russian Federation in 2012-2018
The indices of population health exhibit tendency to deteriorate with age. The high level of morbidity, prevalence of chronic diseases, polymorbidity, atypical course of disease, continuous rehabilitation period, frequent complications and exacerbations are specific for individuals over able-bodied age.The purpose of study is to analyze dynamic, structure and characteristics of morbidity of population over able-bodied age in the Russian Federation. The study established specific features in dynamics and structure of morbidity of elderly population during 2012-2018. They are associated with high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. Furthermore, there is variety in morbidity rates of neoplasms, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism, diseases of the eye and adnexa, diseases of ear and mastoid process and also symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified in other rubrics.The analysis of indices of primary and common morbidity of pneumonia in elderly population of different regions of the Russian Federation was carried out.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):207-215
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The improvement of medical care of patients with oncologic diseases within the framework of the Priority National Project “Health”
The article presents analysis of development of oncologic medical care with purpose to improve survival of oncologic patients and to decrease population mortality of malignant neoplasms within the framework of implementation of measures of the Priority National Project “Health” and the State Program “Health Care Development”. The analysis is presented concerning crude and age-standardized incidence and mortality rates and provision of oncologic medical services with hi-tech medical equipment. The comparative analysis of project and process management methods demonstrated that project management is an efficient instrument for increasing accessibility and quality od medical care at a given period of time and to form points of increase for future development.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):216-221
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The characteristics of limitations of life activity of the disabled persons older than able-bodied age due to Parkinson's disease
The article presents characteristics of limitations of life activities of the disabled older than able-bodied age due to Parkinson's disease and considering clinical data, stages of illness, severity of disability and disorders of functions of organism. The highest percentage in the structure of life restrictions was taken by restrictions of first, second and third degree related to self-service, movement, labor activity (12.1%, 9.5% and 10.5% respectively). The lowest percentage of restrictions of first, second and third degree related to education, control and communication.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):222-226
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The marketing analysis of plastic surgery market in Russia
The article presents analytical review and marketing analysis of the market of plastic surgery in Russia. The characteristics of the segment of plastic surgery services in National and regional markets of fee-for-service medicine in 2016-2019 are given, including characteristics of consumer behavior in this segment. The information was obtained by comprehensive analysis of data from plastic surgery clinics, review of opinions of leading market experts, as well as through study of consumer behavior of Russian customers of medical services. Particular attention is attended to peculiarities of development of market of private plastic medicine in conditions of incipient way out of country of economic crisis. The review includes evaluation of dynamics of private medicine market in Russia and its individual segments since 2015. The study includes detailed description of segment of plastic surgery services of the Russian market of fee-for-service medicine. The first-rate players in the segment are marked out in terms of revenue and number of medical institutions in national and regional market. The review also includes description of consumer behavior in the segment of plastic surgery services. The most required services are identified. The average consumer costs of these services were estimated, as well as the consumer cost of this type of medical services in the last three years was assessed.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):227-233
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The associations of indices of echocardiography with polymorphism of genes of angiotensinogen and angiotensin receptor type I in examined patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease
The purpose of study is to evaluate associations of polymorphism of genes encoding components of renin-angiotensin system and indices of echocardiography in examined patients with rheumatic heart disease (RHD). The sampling consisted of 128 patients with RHD and average age 58,96±0,34 years. The echocardiography was implemented using Philips Affinity 50 machine. The genetic typing was carried out according polymorphic markers Thr174Met, Met235Thr and А1166С by polymerase chain reaction in real-time with electrophoretic scheme of detecting the result of “SNP-EXPRESS”. The heterozygosis of Thr174Met results in larger dilatation of left sections of heart. The Thr174Thr homozygotes characterized by large linear dimensions of right heart. The Thr235Thr homozygotes characterized by minimal parameters reflecting hypertrophy of left ventricle of heart. There was no significant difference in echocardiography indices in patients with A1166A polymorphism. The mutations in codon 235 and 174 did not affect distance of 6-minute walk test. The statistically significant difference in the distance of 6-minute walk test was obtained only for А1166С: the minimum distance indicators is in the group of A1166C heterozygotes - 291,46 (273,83-309,09) meters and the maximum distance in С1166С homozygotes - 357,20 (309,21-405,19) meters. In patients with RHD, Thr174Met heterozygosis can lead to dilatation of left heart camera, while homozygosis for Thr174Mr leads to dilatation of right heart camera and left ventricular hypertrophy. The Met235Thr heterozygosis, on the contrary, are characterized by minimal sizes of left atrium and right ventricle. Polymorphism of the A1166C gene encoding angiotensin type I receptor had practically no effect on echocardiography indices in patients with RHD.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):234-238
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On stomatological service in the Voronezh Oblast
The article considers characteristics of organization of dental care for adult and children population in the territory of a large subject of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the action plan of the Health Department of the Voronezh Oblast, as well as in order to improve organization of dental services and statistical reporting and accounting in the autonomous health institution of the Voronezh Oblast, meetings concerning organization of dental services are organized. The issues are discussed concerning primary prevention of dental diseases in population of the Voronezh Oblast within the framework of the state program of the the Russian Federation “Health Care Development”, organization and implementation of continuous medical education in dentistry, preparation and handing in annual report on dentistry in accordance with latest requirements of the Federal statistical monitoring in health care, new requirements of application of documents for preferential prosthetic dentistry in families of servicemen who perished during military service in peacetime. The consideration of actual state of scientific medicine and practical direction of population health promotion of the population, invariably focuses on actuality of dental research. The analysis of publications established significance of especially dynamic monitoring of medical social indices, conditions and style of life, level and structure of dental morbidity demographic situation. The necessity of analysis of dental morbidity for evaluation of overall population health is emphasized. Also, data of social hygienic monitoring of population of the Voronezh Oblast for 2015-2017 was used.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):239-242
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The social pedagogic adaption of individuals with mental health disorders
The article presents the results of research and practical social pedagogical activities carried out jointly by Laboratory of Social Projects of Belgorod State University, Borisovka Psycho-Neurological Boarding School and the non-governmental public organization of social initiatives “Faith”. The project was implemented during March - November 2018 in the Belgorod Oblast of the Russian Federation. The study implemented such methods of collecting primary sociological data as monitoring of educational and social activities of individuals with mental health problems residing in psycho-neurological boarding school; half-structured interview of experts - employees of psycho-neurological boarding school and teachers. Actually, social adaptation of individuals with mental health problems is an acute social problem. They belong to the most vulnerable population group wrapped with complex of social stereotypes and various signs of social deadaptation. The social adaptation of such personalities is achieved by involvement into social educational activities. The study results demonstrated that there are a number of psychological and pedagogical difficulties in face-to-face training for individuals with mental health problems. Among them are serious emotional reactions in response to actions of teacher or other students; behavior disorders, decreasing of education motivation, inadequate self-assessment. The remote education permits to avoid these and other difficulties. The individual with mental health problems while in appropriate comfortable conditions can receive effective education, support themselves materially and be useful member of society. The study established such most effective methods of remote education for individuals with mental health problems as information-receptive method; reproductive method; method of cognitive visualization of case studies from practice and research method.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):243-248
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On situation with occupational allergic morbidity in modern conditions
The article presents new research data concerning characteristics of formation, prevalence, identification of the main nosological forms of occupational allergic morbidity in various districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is demonstrated that in the structure of occupational pathology diseases of allergic etiology take significant place varying from 16,8% to 23,7%. One of the important trends is development of preventive measures for development and propagation of occupational allergic diseases.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):249-252
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The analysis of expert survey on factors of self-preserving behavior of population of the central regions of Russia
For the reproduction of healthy society, it is necessary to pay special attention to self-preserving behavior of population, since health is not only medical, but also and social category. The health acts both as result of interaction of individual and the social environment, and as key condition for successful implementation of social statuses and roles, viability of social system as a whole. The spontaneous “health-saving” socialization, and, as a result, lacking of formation of behavioral patterns related to maintaining and strengthening health, imitation practices of self-care, which are demonstrated by different social demographic groups, especially young population, form danger of development of chronic diseases, further deterioration of national health indices, including decreasing reproductive potential of the state and increasing risks of for demographic policy in the future. This dictate needs for systematic analysis of factors and causes that lead to weak behavioral activity of Russian population in matters of “health-saving”, determining their significance and relationship with health indices. The expert survey was carried out that allowed to identify configuration of main factors and risks in the system “environment - health”, significantly affecting development of patterns of behavior in relation to it. The participation of experts representing various areas of professional activity (health care, physical education, ecology, state and municipal administration, education and science) proves high reliability of results and makes it possible to consider localization of main external dangers with highest rates of negative impact on development of self-preservation attitudes. The overall pattern of significance of various factors determining possible variations and main line of behavior of population of the central regions of Russia in context of health conservation allows to bring to foreground personal factors associated with willingness to ensure reproduction of one's own health, infrastructural and socio-economic factors that determine individual and group opportunities for Russia population to use potential of “health-saving” attitudes as well as factors of trust acting as an impulse, activating relationship of population and health care system.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):253-260
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The sociological research methods in practice of medical social work
The specificity of medical and social work as professional activity targeted to restoring, preserving and promoting population health determines related focus of research practice and interdisciplinary nature of research. In accordance with purpose of medical and social work, specificity of emerging research practice is related to the fact that comprehensive assistance in maintaining and promoting population health implies the presence in activities of social worker medical and social profile of psychological, pedagogical, legal, technological and research competence. The article also applies the concept of “professional social worker involved in the provision of medical and social assistance to the population.” This concept has following meaning: these are citizens who work in the positions of “social worker” and “specialist in social work” in medical organizations and social service organizations of population, who have job function related to restoring, maintaining and improving population health in general, social and in particular social and medical services. Therefore, content of the problem field, choice of areas of scientific support is concerned to each of these aspects of activity and associated social reflection. The article presents the results of theoretical study of the role of sociological methods in implementation of medical and social work.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):261-265
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On issue of conditions of rendering palliative medical care
The legal base framework regulating provision of palliative care in the Russian Federation was updated. In particular, the Federal law was amended to expand definition of “palliative care” and determine conditions for its provision. The completely new regulation of organization of palliative care has also come into force, including the procedure of interaction between medical organizations, social service organizations and public associations and other non-profit organizations operating in the field of health care. The publication uses data from genuine research on hospitalization in palliative care unit the needs of patients of older age groups in palliative care and long-term care activities are discussed.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):266-269
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The opinion of physicians about activities of professional social workers in organizations rendering palliative medical care
The development of palliative medical care in Russia that according to the Federal Law of 06.03.2019 № 18-FZ “Introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “The basic principles of medical care in Russian Federation” in the matter of rendering palliative medical care” is assigned to social service institutions, requires optimizing mechanism of intersectoral cooperation, including cooperation between medical organizations of palliative care and social welfare institutions and also between medical personnel and experts of other specialization who participate in providing this kind of assistance, as well as professional social workers.The article presents findings of research, dedicated to evaluation of level of awareness that doctors in medical organizations of palliative care have on professional social work and also the role of professional social workers in rendering palliative medical care to patients of such organizations as well as their families.The respondents noticed multidimensionality of issues that patients of medical organizations of palliative care, as well as their families, come across. That is why they consider it necessary for psychologists, rehabilitation therapists, social workers as a part of in polyprofessional teams of specialists to take part in rendering this kind of care. The ability to provide complex medical social care to patients and their families; enjoyment of the rights to social welfare and support, skills of practical application of social work methods, organizing patients’ care, interaction with social and other kinds of services, realizing complex of activities in within the framework of psychological pedagogical and social directions of rehabilitation and habilitation of patients are considered as the most important issues of performance of social work specialists in medical organizations of palliative medical care.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):270-274
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The awareness of patients with chronic dermatitis about rendering medical services and rights at their acceptance
The information about disease, its cause, prognosis, methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention is always very important for patient and relatives. The article presents the results of questionnaire survey of 412 patients with chronic dermatitis residing in Moscow.The purpose of study was to evaluate awareness of patients with chronic dermatitis and residing in the capital of Russia about medical services provided and their rights to receive them.It was established that the information most frequently provided to patient by physician relates diagnosis. According to the survey, physicians always provide information about diagnosis in 84.9% of cases. The second place is for information about treatment methods and possible complications during treatment (82.0%). More rarely, physicians inform patients about the examination methods, possible unpleasant sensations and complications, side effects of medications and patient’s right to refuse examination and treatment, as well as the consequences of such a refusal. Absolutely all patients indicated the need to protect the rights of patients in case of their violation in the process of providing medical care. Moreover, 59.6% of them were sure about necessity to appeal to the administration of medical institution, 16.3% of patients considered it necessary to complain to insurance companies, 15.7% of patients to the Ministry of Health and 8.3% of patients to the court.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):275-278
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The Russian rural school children of adolescent age as Internet users
In Russia, the society shares the opinion that children, adolescents and the youth are the main users of the Internet. However, the information impact of the Internet on the emerging consciousness, intelligence, life values of younger generation is ambiguous and requires comprehensive and in-depth study. Materials and methods. In 2016-2017, large-scale sample study of prevalence and peculiarities of Internet use in rural teenagers aged 15-17 years was carried out in Russia, covering 17 Oblasts from 6 Federal Okrugs of Russia. The sampling consisted of 18 222 rural teenagers (8 208 boys and 10 014 girls). The set of material (questionnaires), formation of databases and their statistical processing was carried out using software program “The Risk Factors”. According to the data study, prevalence of Internet use among boys was 96.1 and among girls 97.2 out of 100 adolescents of the appropriate age and sex. Besides, 85.4% of boys and 90.0% of girls used the Internet on daily basis and 44.4% of boys and 60.4% of girls - 3 hours or more per day. Teenagers using the Internet every day during 3 hours or more constitute “risk group” since they have both social and psychological difficulties and high risk of developing Internet addiction. Despite the differences in the age of the respondent’s gradations in frequency and duration of Internet using, the results of study correspond to data of studies carried out in different years by the Internet Development Fund and testify high level of prevalence of Internet use among schoolchildren. The results of the study revealed the emerging problems in rural schoolchildren of adolescent age due to long (3 hours or more per day) use of the Internet, as well as the need to teach them to appropriate, dosed and effective use of the Internet, which would broaden mind, increase academic performance and enrich leisure activities.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):279-284
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The medical social importance of functional disorders under chronic obstructive disease of lungs
The chronic obstructive disease of lungs is considered as important problem of modern public health system. The disease is increasingly keenly reflected in agenda of our society, economic and social sphere of the state. The steadily progressing course of disease, disability and increasing economic costs assigns task of finding and improving diagnostic methods in real clinical practice. The purpose of the study is to assess the medical social significance of new approaches to studying functional status of patients with chronic obstructive disease of lungs in routine clinical practice. The sampling of 105 males were examined: 64 patients with chronic obstructive disease of lungs and 41 volunteers from control group without any diseases of respiratory system. All examined patients underwent spirometry, sixth minute step test, analysis of heart rate variability and test with external peripheral vascular occlusion. The study results established high level of importance of complex assessment of functional status of patients in routine clinical practice. The patients with chronic obstructive disease of lungs with respiratory failure demonstrated persistent hyperactivity of ergoreflex during test with external peripheral vascular occlusion. Therefore, method of assessing ergoreflex according to heart rate variability indices is applicable in clinic and has perspectives of implementation as mode of additional diagnostics of functional disorders.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):285-290
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The analysis of self-evaluation of stomatological health in patients with partial absence of teeth
The aspects related to self-assessment of dental health in patients with partial absence of teeth were analyzed using questionnaire survey, clinical examination of patients and extracting data from health questionnaires from patient’s medical records were studied. Patients with a partial absence of teeth most often admit to dental medical organization with complaints about impaired chewing function. At the same time, most of respondents with largest number of such complaints belong to older age groups: 45-54 and 55-62 years. The main problems with maxillofacial region of patients are of aesthetic character - the general aesthetics of the face and smile. As well as main factors of patients' anxiety, significant for dental health self-assessment are facial distortion and unattractive smile. The insufficient knowledge and literacy of studied group of patients regarding their need to restore partial absence of teeth, possible consequences of partial absence of teeth and the lack of information about modern methods of orthodontic care for patients with partial absence of teeth were established. The criterion of following the recommendations of attending physician and regularity of brushing teeth is defined and described. The application of study data makes it possible to optimize organization of orthodontic care for patients with partial absence of teeth.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):291-293
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The reproductive health and sexual behavior of HIV-infected women: the review
The increased access to effective anti-retroviral treatment (ART) has made HIV comparable to chronic disease in terms of life expectancy. The advances in scientific knowledge and, in particular, in management of HIV-infected pregnant woman have reduced the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The analysis of current research demonstrates that HIV has been a problem in terms of sexuality and reproduction. The needs related to sexuality and reproduction are crucial ones to overall health and well-being of HIV-infected population. The future research is to focus not only on how sexual relations and relationships of HIV-positive women are manifested, but also on how health care system is to provide adequate support to women in relation with sexuality and reproduction. The purpose of study was to apply analysis of current research on sexuality, sexual and contraceptive behavior and implementation of reproductive function in HIV-infected women and the conditions affecting this realization. The review of national and international scientific publications concerning such areas as gynecology, reproductive health, sexuality and reproductive behavior of HIV-positive women from indexed on-line journals and relevant websites using such search engines as PubMed and Google in 1997-2019. The sample included 34 peer-reviewed qualitative studies, which covered 9523 HIV-positive surveyed women. The technique of interpretative meta-synthesis was applied to generalize and evaluate how experiences of HIV-positive women in sexuality and reproduction behavior have been described in qualitative studies. The effective anti-retroviral treatment has made HIV comparable to chronic disease in terms of life expectancy. The analysis of current research on this topic established that HIV was a problem in terms of sexuality and reproduction. The conditions that make the burden of HIV more severe are: HIV is an obstacle for starting and continuing relationship, providing sense of fear and loss. At the same time motherhood, spiritual beliefs, and supportive relationships made the burden of HIV easier. The HIV-positive test in women makes their sexual and reproductive health more complicated because of HIV status. Therefore, women face such unique challenges as problems in partnerships, sexual satisfaction and childbearing. The study results are important for developing optimal medical care to alleviate the burden of HIV infection. In addition to medical care, health care workers should consider social and psychological needs to support HIV-positive patients in improving their health and their sexual and reproductive health as well.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):294-302
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The problems of efficient functioning of hot lines in health care
The article analyzes experience of interaction of public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in area of health protection with civil society using hot-lines. The advantages and disadvantages of this type communication channel are established too. The justifications for implementation of principles of “open health care” are presented considering “hot-lines” as tool of interaction between the government and society (citizens and public organizations).
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):303-305
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The organization of home-nursing medical care of patients with limited mobility
The article analyzes topical issues of organization of patronage medical care of patients with restricted mobility in Moscow, considering ongoing organizational measures at various stages of implementation of new organizational form of medical sanitary care of patients of different age groups. The results of analysis of effectiveness of its functioning are presented.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):306-309
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The analysis of functioning of endoscopic service of curative preventive institutions of the Moscow Health Care Department
The article presents analysis of endoscopy departments of curative preventive institutions of the practice in the institutions Moscow Health Care Department in 2018. The endoscopy equipment support of corresponding departments and medical rooms were analyzed. The comparative study of diagnostic endoscopy procedures (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, rectosigmoidoscopy, intestinoscopy, capsule endoscopy) and therapeutic procedures (endoscopic hemostasis, endoscopic removal of foreign bodies, endoscopic submucous dissection, stenting, balloon dilation) was implemented. The indices of quality of endoscopic procedures and adequate personnel support of endoscopy departments were analyzed. The analysis of study results permitted to formulate main directions of optimization of endoscopic service, quality improvement and mechanisms of regular quality.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):310-313
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The comparative evaluation of policy documents of the Russian Federation concerning personnel policy in health care
Nowadays, in Russia number of problems is present in effective personnel policy in health care. The National Concept of personnel policy in health care (2002) expired in 2010 and no new one was developed. However, corresponding program documents were adopted at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation. The purpose of study was to compare evaluation of program documents of subjects of the Russian Federation related to issues of personnel policy in health care. The continuous sampling technique was applied to study these documents, which were valid in the territories of all subjects of the Russian Federation in 2002-2019. The comparative assessment was performed. It is demonstrated that the most informative document in this area is only the corresponding specialized Concept. However, this document was adopted only in 8.2% of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and they were valid only in two subjects. The concepts of health care development in the subjects of the Russian Federation, addressing medical personnel policy were adopted in 44.7% of the subjects of the Russian Federation. However, these legal documents operate only in 15.3% of territories. At the same time, the availability of appropriate specialized program document is a prerequisite of development of coherent and effective medical personnel policy in health care at all its levels.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):314-319
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The organization of industrial production of penicillin in the USSR
The article on the basis of analysis of declassified materials of the State Archive of the Russian Federation covers the history of the organization of industrial production of penicillin in the USSR in second half of the 1940s. The analysis of the documents demonstrated that existed huge gap between health needs of the antibiotic and actual quantity of its production by the end of 1945. This raised the question of organizing its large-scale production. The Soviet Government tried to solve the problem in the least expensive way i.e. through using available industrial areas for the development of penicillin production, refusing to buy ready-made penicillin plants abroad, maximal application of resources of international organizations. The problem of mastering advanced technologies of antibiotic production, as well as development of national equipment for penicillin plants was mainly solved through efforts of intelligence service activities. Due to organizational, technological, foreign policy causes, the development of new penicillin plants was delayed for a long time. The amounts of penicillin production by existing enterprises did not cover the needs of health care in the antibiotic.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):320-325
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The finances and statistics in materials of the G. E. Rhein Commission
The article analyses financial and statistical aspects of materials from the Interdepartmental Commission for the Revision of Medical Legislation (the G. E. Rhein Commission). The brief analysis of structure, composition and mechanisms of functioning of the Commission is presented. The specificity of the Commission materials is discussed. The information sources are established which were used as background for statistical calculations of the Commission. The calculations themselves are briefly discussed. The particular attention is paid to methods of calculating financial losses in the Russian Empire due to diseases. The study focuses on state health statistics projects and on the financial foundations of the new health care system as well as on their perception by the participants of the Pirogov Society. The data obtained by the Commission was used for devising plans for optimization and centralization of health care, according to which sanitary statistics were to be subordinated to the state. However, financial support to local self-government bodies for sanitary needs was mentioned. Although the physicians from the Pirogov Society had critical attitude to most ideas of the Commission, in the matter of financing they were not only agreed upon with main proposals of the Commission but were also ready to go even further.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):326-331
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The contribution of academician G. N. Speransky into becoming of national system of pediatric care
The article is devoted to the contribution of academician G. N. Speransky, the prominent pediatrician, into becoming of the national system of medical and preventive care of children of early age and development of its staging.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):332-337
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The creative course of life of academician I. D. Strashun
The article is devoted to the academician I. D. Strashun, constitutor of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prominent scientist, hygienist, historian of medicine and notable specialist in the field of medical education and health care organization. During the years of restoration of national economy after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the extremely important issue in the activity of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR was implementation of ideological political work with scientists, also supposing unmasking false scientists worshiping bourgeois science. The academician I. D. Strashun too got into millstones of the “struggle against cosmopolitanism”. The article uses materials from the personal files of academician I. D. Strashun belonging to the scientific archive of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2020;28(2):338-344
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