Vol 27, No 5 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 26
- URL: https://journal-nriph.ru/journal/issue/view/17
The organizational aspects of early diagnostic of metabolic syndrome on the basis of implementation of new genetic, cellular and bio-informational technologies
The characteristic feature of molecular medicine as medicine based on molecular structure of human genome data, is its individual character. It is focused on correcting pathological process in specific individual considering unique characteristics of its genome. The other most important feature is its expressed preventive direction. The complete genome information can be obtained well before the onset of disease. The appropriate preventive measures can completely eliminate or significantly prevent development of severe disease. The establishment of gene network of every multi-factorial disease, identification of central genes and genes-modifiers in it, analysis of association of their alleles with disease, development on this basis of set of preventive measures for specific patient constitute conceptual and methodological basis of predictive medicine.As a result of the examination, information can be obtained concerning particular risk of disease development. The physician, considering the results of molecular genetic analysis, elaborates tactics of pathogenetically justified preventive therapy, i.e. corrects congenital metabolic defect.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):796-802
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The problems of planning scientific research in medicine
The publication activity is one of main criteria of assessment of scientific activity of individuals and organizations. The results publications in serious scientific journal is considered as confirmation that study is properly planned, implemented and statistically processed. The inconsistency of research planning and presentation of results in Russia to international requirements is major cause of preventing publication in prominent international editions. to overcome this problem is possible through graduate implementation of international standards initially through education of national researchers and then through development of national standard documentation related to scientific research.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):803-807
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The efficiency of functioning of regional vascular center in case of acute disorder of cerebral blood circulation
The acute stroke is one of leading causes of mortality and disability both in Russia Federation and worldwide. The specialized vascular centers and units proved to be effective in improving diagnostics, treatment and functional outcome inpatients in various countries. The purpose of article is to evaluate efficacy of regional vascular center (RVC) in Tyumen. The functioning of RVC in 2011-2017 was assessed using purposefully developed and implemented score card of medical care quality assessment in vascular centers. The epidemiological data for 2007-2017 was obtained from statistical materials of the Department of Health of Tyumen oblast. The epidemiological parameters were calculated both in absolute units by simple summing up of cases of illness and in relative units per number of population. It was established that all diagnostic and treatment procedures in RVC were implemented according actual medical standards. The significant increase of the percentage of patients hospitalized during first three hours after the onset of stroke symptoms was established. The patients receiving thrombolytic therapy was observed, with an improvement of functional status of patients upon discharge. The significant improvement of early diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) in the service area of RVC was demonstrated. The development and implementation of the plan of a regional vascular center placement and stroke patient routing enabled optimization of medical care accessibility to this group of patients and increased identification of CVD.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):808-812
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The development of territorial program of mandatory medical insurance: calculation of standards of out-patient care volume
The article presents technique of calculation of the planned volume of outpatient care consumed by population of the subject of the Russian Federation considering demographic structure and level of morbidity. The formulas are presented developed for calculating financial costs of outpatient care and treatment in day hospital to be included into of mandatory health insurance program.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):813-816
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The analysis of medical market in Russia in 2016-2018: main economic indices and research results
The article presents the main indicators of development of Russian medical market in 2016-2018. The basic data concerning main activities in market of medical services and goods, key figures on patterns and trends of market of medical sphere, pricing policy, organizational forms of medical institutions is presented. The conclusions on the research oт supply and demand in medical market are made. The conclusions related to forecasting and planning of development of Russian medical market in Russia, its perspectives and main directions of development are presented. The diagrams and charts of profitability, business indicators resulted from behavior of patients are presented. The planned directions of development of medical organizations are analyzed as well as factors of growth of market of paid medical services, areas of expansion of medical services spectrum.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):817-821
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One demographic indicator is the structure of mortality by cause. Analysis of the causes of death allows you to define the fight against the disease, efforts should be focused to reduce mortality and on the effectiveness of measures against those or other diseases. The basis of information about the causes of death is a medical certificate of death, filling it depends on the correct diagnosis, the choice of the original cause of death, coding, as well as on policy documents aimed at reducing mortality from a particular cause. In the Russian Federation, in contrast to the countries of the European region, there is a fairly high proportion of inaccurately marked conditions, which account for 6.9% of all causes (in 2010 - 5%), the main reason for this is «old age», which ranks 4th among the leading causes of death (5% of all causes, in 2010 - 2.8%), as well as damage with uncertain intentions, which are on the 7th rank place of the leading causes of death (2.3% of all causes, in 2010 - 2%).
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):822-826
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The risk factors of development of behavior disorders in children of early age fostered in surrogate families
The study established biological and social psychological risk factors of development of emotional and behavioral disorders, usually onsetting in childhood and adolescence (F90-98) in children of early age in a year of fostering in substitute families. The psychological examination of adoptive mothers was carried out using such methods as MINI-SMIL test, parent attitude to child test (A. Ya. Varga, V. V. Stolin), “Family Relationship Analysis” questionnaire, motivation of adopting child choice test. The statistical processing of research data was carried out using MS Excel XP and Statistica 6.0. The relative risk of various factors was rated using software OpenEpi with 95% confidence interval. The Wald's technique of sequential mathematical analysis was used to identify risk factors and to compile predictive tables. It is established that the most important value in formation of this group of disorders is attributed to health of child while transferring to substitute family, motives of adopting child, personal characteristics of substitute mothers and characteristics of child fostering. The algorithm of predicting health disorders in children of early age fostering in substitute families is developed. The identification of children at risk of developing this pathology permits to apply multi-modal approach to successful prevention and habilitation of children at risk, including medical psychological support, considering physical and mental health of child, psychological characteristics of substitute mothers and abnormalities in mother-child system.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):827-830
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The participation of religious organizations in formation of population attitude to transplantation of organs and tissues
The article discusses issue of possibility of influence of religious organizations on the attitude of population to issues of human organ transplantation. The attitude of followers of different religions to key issues of bioethics related to organ donation and transplantation is analyzed. It is concluded that there are no definite prohibitions on implementing this kind of medical intervention in modern religious regulations. The study of results of questionnaire survey of two groups of respondents revealed certain part of population, whose decision on the issues of posthumous organ donation would be influenced by the opinion of representative of religious organization. It is established that every tenth respondent appealed to the Orthodox priest when making decision to sign consent paper concerning posthumous exempt of organ from relatives. It is concluded that it is possible to affect the formation in certain part of population understanding of need to support organ donation and transplantation in case of active work in this direction of representatives of religious organizations.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):831-835
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The effect of medical economic factors on common morbidity of population of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The assessment was applied to degree of impact of medical social factors on morbidity of total population according appealability in the Republic of Bashkortostan, considering their spatial temporal distribution. The database of the Federal Information Fund for Social and Hygienic Monitoring (Automated Information System “Social and Hygienic Monitoring”) of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor and data of official statistical forms of the Territorial Board of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Republic of Bashkortostan were used as source material for the study. The data was applied in case of presence of combination of observations on 54 municipalities and 8 urban okrugs in the dynamics for 2000-2015. The panel regression analysis of was applied as research tool. The results of modeling can be considered in developing target programs of reducing morbidity in particular municipality of the region.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):836-840
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The characteristics of regulation of pharmaceutical market of the Eurasian Economical Union
The article considers one of the most pressing problems - the turnover of medicines within the common pharmaceutical market of the Eurasian Economic Union. The drug market is an essential aspect of social policy, reflecting general welfare of citizens and the level of the country's national security. The object of the study is the importation of medicines into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and the subject is the social and legal relationship when importing medicines, problems and ways to improve the procedure of importing medicines into the territory of the EAEU. At the present stage of development of civil society, a number of countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States are closely cooperating in improving the quality and level of living of population, complying with basic social guarantees, including providing affordable and high-quality medical and drug assistance. The indicator of country's development in the field of medicine is the ability to develop and to test drugs, because these processes are considered as the most complex, expensive and risky, as well as to control the circulation of drugs created by “pseudo-companies” producing counterfeits for well-known pharmaceutical companies. The problem of falsification leads to an outflow of capital outside the EEU, threat to health and lives of consumers, violation of the right holders’ rights, discredit foundations of the state structure of the EEU member countries that are not able to provide guarantees for the safety of drug consumption. The creation of common pharmaceutical market within the Eurasian Economic Union will in the future not only provide control of circulation of medicines on the territory of the EAEU, but also contribute to the development of national pharmaceutical industry by expanding distribution channels and expanding range of drugs produced by foreign manufacturers established on the territory of the EAEU.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):841-846
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Medical and social factors in the study of morbidity of employees of the educational public sector
The article determines the relevance of the research of morbidity of employees of the educational budget sphere. In the article it is noted that employees of the sphere of education are typical representatives of the system of budget financing. A wide range of parameters that can affect the health and well-being of teachers. Factors such as age, the frequency and chronic nature of diseases, work in a state of some malaise, pedagogical activity in unsatisfactory conditions, dissatisfaction with relations with colleagues and administration, loneliness, can make a different contribution to the processes of deterioration of health and state of health. Thus, the article determines that persons working in the field of education, more often than representatives of the compared groups, for the preservation and strengthening of their own health resort to walks in the fresh air, healthy eating and rest in a sanatorium. In turn, among the employees of the educational sphere is more common rejection of bad habits. The article makes an important conclusion that among the representatives of the educational sphere a quarter of the respondents experience constant malaise and fatigue after work, that is, more than half of the employees of the educational sphere are subject to significant emotional and even physical stress, leading to fatigue and further to diseases. The article presents the figures and the main conclusions of the study of medical and social factors of morbidity of employees of the educational public sector.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):847-852
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The article analyzes the features of the implementation of matrimonial behavior (on the example of Kursk region). Some results of the study of the impact of adverse social and medical factors on the institution of family and marriage are presented. The aim of the study was to study the specifics of the matrimonial behavior of the population in conditions of social and medical problems. The methodology of the study was based on the theoretical analysis of the concepts of divorce. A sociological survey was conducted by questionnaire survey of the inhabitants of the Kursk region. The study, based on the analysis of the causes of family breakdown, determined that the institution of family and marriage under the influence of social and medical risks of divorce is becoming even more unstable.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):853-857
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Current indicators of fertility and mortality of population in the region of central Russia
The article analyzes the indicators of population reproduction on the example of the Kostroma region, presents the dynamics of the main medical and demographic indicators of the region: age structure of the population, mortality, fertility, migration, marriage and divorce rates, as well as the starting positions for overcoming reproductive and demographic disadvantages.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):858-864
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Main methodological approaches to the identification and diagnosis of monogenic hereditary diseases and problems in the organization of medical care and unified preventive programs
In order to optimize economic and organizational technologies for the provision of medical care to the population and to increase the effectiveness of preventive programs, an analysis of the accumulated morbidity and prevalence of monogenic hereditary diseases (MHDs) has been carried out in 13 federal subjects of the Russian Federation representing 11 ethnic groups: Russians of 6 regions, Tatars, Maris, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Abazins, Adygeans, Nogays, Circassians and Karachays. The study of the population was carried out according to the developed protocol of complex genetic and epidemiological studies in the Research Center for Medical Genetics, which remains unchanged throughout the study. Here we have studied the structure of the genetic load and diversity of MHDs depending on the prevalence of diseases and in accordance with the classification by organ and system types of disease: neurological, ophthalmological, genodermatosis, skeletal, hereditary syndromes, and other hereditary pathology (metabolic hereditary diseases, disorders of blood, hearing, etc.). It is shown that the maximum number of patients (61.81%) falls in the group of frequent forms of MHDs, which differ by federal subjects / ethnic groups of the Russian Federation. There are frequent forms of MHDs for all populations, and “specific” forms for particular federal subjects of the Russian Federation/ethnic groups. Only for a small group of hereditary diseases there is treatment. Most of the detected diseases-psychiatric, neurological, hematological, and hereditary syndromes-significantly reduce life expectancy. Hereditary diseases of the skeleton, eyes, ears and metabolism affect the quality of life, adaptation in society and public health. On average, 65% of patients are diagnosed with MHDs for the first time. This situation implies changes in medical thinking, changes in education and development of both common for all regions and specific prevention programs. Thus, fundamental research in medicine can improve the quality of medical services and contribute to the improvement of public health.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):865-877
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The organization of medical nurse support of patients of elderly age in geriatric practice
In recent years, the concept of nursing process has been actively introduced. It is especially important in geriatric practice, where the issues of nursing support prevail over those in the young and middle age. There are forms of organization of care, where it is the average medical staff is leading in the provision of medical care (hospices, nursing care hospitals, homes for the elderly, etc.). In these conditions, the responsibility of nurses in making and implementing medical decisions in the event of emergency conditions increases.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):878-881
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The application of registries of accounts of mandatory medical insurance for analysis of compliance of anti-tumor treatment to clinical recommendations
The article describes the principles of choosing parameters to be included into account registry of mandatory medical insurance system in 2019. The parameters should be applied for retrospective analysis of anti-neoplasm treatment of solid tumors in adults for accordance with clinical recommendations. It is proposed to extend account registries of mandatory medical insurance system with additional 13 parameters, reflecting both tumor type and course of disease and stages of medical care as well.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):882-887
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The regional model of palliative medical care support of patients with malignant neoplasms
The article considers issues of development of model of palliative care and analysis of its activities. The study was based on the results of medical care provided by palliative service of the Republic of Tatarstan. The palliative service is complex system that unites several different institutions. The palliative care is provided in hospital and out-patient settings. In the oncologic hospital beds are integrated to provide urgent and palliative care to patients with cancer to apply comprehensive complex of medical interventions. Out-patient care is provided by 7 field teams including oncologist (3 teams) and two paramedics (4 teams). Four field teams function day-and-night seven days a week. Since 2014, the “Children's Hospice” unit functions as element of palliative service. Since 2015, in Almetyevsk, functions field department of palliative care attached to polyclinic of oncologic dispensary/ It co0nsists of two field medical teams. The provision of palliative care is to include all stages needed: palliative care offices, outpatient services, inpatient departments and hospices. The integration of palliative care into common health care network makes it possible to apply tangible possibilities and research potential of large medical institutions and advanced technologies of modern medicine as well.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):888-892
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Problems and directions of the development of a health financing system
The analysis of a state and development of health sector in Russia is presented in article. The developed trends in receipt and expenditure of means of financing of medical services of health care in the country are revealed. The authors have identified existing problems in the field of health related to its lack of funding. Comparative characteristic of the amounts of financing of medicine is manufactured in Russia and a number of the leading foreign countries. The typology, advantages and shortcomings of various ways of financing of health sector are revealed. Characteristic and an assessment of national peculiarities of financing of health care in world practice is given. The author's approach on modernization of the model of financing of health sector existing in the country with attraction for this purpose means of the state, business and the population allowing to pass to real, ordered, economically rational consumption of medical services and to increase the responsibility of citizens for strengthening of own health is offered. This approach is focused on a gradual transition from a budget-insurance type of financing of medical services with a private-insurance type and is based on expanding the ability of citizens to manage their financial resources on accumulative medical bills. In addition, the author's approach assumes that the functions of the state will include the implementation of programs to provide socially unprotected segments of the population with medical services on favorable terms. This approach forms model of financing of health sector with considerable participation of the population in joint financing of expenses on medical services, conditions for development of systems of voluntary health insurance and implementation of programs of medical insurance taking into account a possibility of the free choice by the citizen of volume of the consumed medical services.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):893-902
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Problem areas and opportunities of the "Moscow standard of the clinic"
The article deals with the study of problem areas and prospects for the implementation of the «Moscow polyclinic standard» (SME). The aim of the work was to analyze the factors on the part of medical workers that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative projects in health care. The assessment of the doctor’s and nurse’s attitude to the changes caused by the introduction and willingness to work in a new format was studied. During the pilot study, which covered 730 medical workers, including 358 doctors and 374 nurses working in outpatient medical organizations of the capital, a sociological survey was conducted on specially designed questionnaires. It was found that the introduction of SMEs contributed to the revision of a number of responsibilities and activation of medical personnel, focusing on meeting the needs and requirements of the population in health services. Thus, the SME fits into the WHO strategy of orienting primary health care institutions to integrate into the integrated model of care delivery. At the same time, the SME has significantly freed up the time of doctors to work directly with patients. The activity of nurses was changed, they received much more independence in the work. Therefore, the scope of the received results are the health authorities of Moscow and also the management of outpatient medical organizations. In General, doctors and nurses positively assesses the changes. New working conditions are to some extent stressful factors and need to be corrected, which should be taken into account by the heads of medical organizations.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):903-906
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Application of labor standards in pricing in health care
The publication presents the definition of key terms in pricing, sets out pricing methods, lists the current legal documents on cost indicators in health care. Methodical approaches to the calculation of remuneration, as one of the components of the cost of medical care, involve the use of labor standards of medical workers, differentiated by their participation in the therapeutic and diagnostic process. The analysis of the regulatory framework for labor in health made the need for its revision.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):907-910
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The seasonal dynamics of morbidity of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Azerbaijan
The article presents results of assessment of seasonal dynamics of morbidity rate of acute lymphoblastic leukemia among population younger than 29 years old in Azerbaijan.The materials of Scientific and Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology were used, including data of National register of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The observation had been realized retrospectively and covered data of 991 patients younger than 29 years old in 1998-2014. According used data, all patients were distributed according to seasons. The inter-seasonal differences in the cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia were estimated by single-factor analysis of variance.During 1998-2014 number of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases changed within the interval 10 - 20 in Spring, 10-27 in Summer, 10-29 Autumn and 8-19 cases in Winter. The median of cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia consisted 13,3 in Spring, 15,4 in Summer, 13,7 in Autumn and 10 in Winter. The average number of cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Spring was (15,49±1,13), in Summer (15,89±1,08) and in Autumn (15,71±1,21) practically were equal (р>0,05) and was significantly (р<0,05) higher than the same data in Winter (11,07±0,76). In total, during 1998-2014 number of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Summer was higher than the same number in Winter up to 1,24 times. The risk of the incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia earlier than age of 29 years in Winter in Azerbaijan is relatively low. The increase of morbidity risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is specific for Spring, Summer and Autumn are at the same degree. The seasonal risks of acute lymphoblastic leukemia morbidity are not universal. They change depending on conditions of the year. The seasonal risks of acute lymphoblastic leukemia morbidity are better to be assessed comparing morbidity cases per seasons of a year (winter, spring, summer and autumn), but not according summary of winter and summer seasons.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):911-914
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The constituent session of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The third day (December 22 1944)
The article considers the third day of the Constituent Session of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (the USSR AMS) held on December 22, 1944. In the beginning, the Presidium of the Academy was elected. After the elections, the full members of the AMS - representatives of various medical specialties spoke. Each of them presented one's vision of development of medicine. Among speakers were A. V. Palladin, V. P. Osipov, M. S. Malinovsky, F. G. Krotkov, V. F. Zelenin, N. I. Grashchenkov, V. P. Filatov, Ya. O. Parnas, V. V. Parin, P. G. Sergiev and N. N. Burdenko. The most informative reports on the tasks of development of the AMS in the forthcoming future were made by V. V. Parin and N. N. Burdenko. The main content of this development was supposed to support synthesis of applied and fundamental knowledge in the AMS and the connection of scientific achievements and without practice. The process of establishment of the USSR AMS lasted exactly 2 years and was finalized this very day. The seventy-year history of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences the RAMS has begun.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):915-920
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S. I.Mitckevich, the public physician, revolutionary, writer (to the one hundred fiftieth anniversary)
The article presents the course of life and various activities of S. I. Mitskevich, public physician, participant of revolutionary movement, Soviet health care professional. He was author of “The Memoirs of Public Physician”/ Не also studied psychoneurosis in the Trans-Polar Lands and founded leprosy and municipal hospital in the city of Sredne-Kolymsk.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):921-923
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Historical study of medical geography in Russia
This article provides an overview of the change of topics in the medical-geographical studies in Russia. It highlights the conventional nature of this science, its dependence on political, ideological and scientific demands as well as institutional difficulties. It concludes that the goal of further historical research is to focus on the restoration of synchronous meanings of medical geography, its links with other disciplines and the elucidation of Russia's participation in the transnational project of medico-geographical research.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):924-929
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Soviet medicine on the pages of American medical periodicals: «American Review of Soviet Medicine» (1943-1948) in the context of relations between the USSR and the USA
In 1943-1948 the American Review of Soviet Medicine was published in the United States. The journal contained full translations or brief summaries in English of the most significant articles from the Soviet medical press, reviews of Soviet medicine and public health practice written by American physicians, reviews of Soviet books on medicine, news of the American-Soviet Medical Society, as well as presentations by prominent Soviet medical scientists. After the changes in the political course of the USSR and the USA and the beginning of the Cold War, the American Review of Soviet Medicine was closed down.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):930-935
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Medical aspects of domestic violence against women and girls (review)
In recent years scientists actively study the influence of domestic violence on psychological status and occurrence of mental disorders in women and girls. Psychological, physical, sexual and other types of violence are distinguished, the consequences of which are studied in many countries under the auspices of WHO. In international studies the serious consequences of domestic violence for women are investigated. It was found out that women develop stressful disorders, depression and dependence on psychoactive substances. Negative influence of domestic violence at girls is expressed in formation of behavioral disorders, violations of sexual development, suicidal trends. At analysis of consequences of domestic violence by WHO was developed the concept of “cycle of violence” and cruelty inside family when in process of long influence of psychological traumatic factors at women and girls aggressive actions occurred so that victim and aggressor changed places.The objective of the study was to analyze the current state of the problem on the basis of the literature data, to study the data on the consequences of domestic violence and cruelty against women and girls, to identify gender-specific violations.
Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine. 2019;27(5):936-939
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