The criteria of increasing of quality of medical care of population in conditions of anthropogenic impact

  • Authors: Meshkov A.V.1, Mingazova E.N.2,3, Sitdikov I.D.4, Udalov I.D.5
  • Affiliations:
    1. The Branch № 1 of The Federal State Budget Institution “The A. A. Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
    2. The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”, 105064, Moscow, Russia
    3. The Federal State Budget Institution of High Education “The Kazan State Medical University”
    4. The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University”
    5. The Federal State Budget Institution “The A. I. Burnazyan State Research Center of the Russian Federation - the Federal Medical Biophysical Center” of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia
  • Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2019)
  • Pages: 308-311
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • DOI:
  • Cite item


The assessment of medical care quality of different strata and groups of population is a priority direction of preventive medicine and public health. Nowadays, application of the riskometry theory considering external modifying factors is relevant. The registration of risk indices in the process of development of model of health preservation can be considered as a criterion of medical care quality.The purpose а study was to optimize managerial decisions in the area of increasing medical care quality related to special contingent on the basis of evaluation of carcinogenic danger and reproductive risk in conditions of anthropogenic impact. The study applied such modern research methods as social hygienic, biochemical and statistical techniques.The methodological basis of assessing reproductive risk for population in conditions of anthropogenic impact can serve as a criterion of assessing level of impact and developing management decisions in area of improving health care quality. The public health and health care organization are the fields of application of study results.

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About the authors

A. V. Meshkov

The Branch № 1 of The Federal State Budget Institution “The A. A. Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia

E. N. Mingazova

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”, 105064, Moscow, Russia; The Federal State Budget Institution of High Education “The Kazan State Medical University”

I. D. Sitdikov

The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University”

Iu. D. Udalov

The Federal State Budget Institution “The A. I. Burnazyan State Research Center of the Russian Federation - the Federal Medical Biophysical Center” of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia


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