The analysis of detection of rare diseases not included into listings of orphan diseases with preferential medication support
Komarov I.A., Krasilnikova E.I., Zhulev I.A., Zinchenko R.F.
Moscow Screening: Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography
Morozov S.P., Kuzmina E.S., Vetsheva N.N., Gombolevskiy V.A., Lantukh Z.A., Polishuk N.S., Laipan A.S., Ermolaev S.O., Panina E.V., Blokhin I.A.
Moscow screening: breast cancer screening with mammography as a method of improving early stage cancer detection
Morozov S.P., Vetsheva N.N., Ovsyannikov A.G., Ledihova N.V., Panina E.V., Polishchuk N.S., Puchkova O.S.
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