The social and ethno-cultural prerequisites of suicidal behavior of adolescents in the Republic of Buryatia


The article considers social and ethno-cultural risk factors of suicidal behavior in Buryat adolescents. The analysis of life-style of children and adolescents in actual conditions was implemented. The immediate family and external social environment were characterized. The system of vital values was analyzed. The study demonstrated that in Buryat population the is a leading one. The system of relationship of adolescents with parents, school teachers and peers was analyzed. It is established that only 62.35 of adolescents are satisfied with these relationships.It is established that Buryat adolescents changing of life-style resulted in transformation of family and decreasing of its fostering function can be considered as risk factor of suicidal behavior. The frustration of affiliation needs i.e. need in the relationship most important for Buryat ethnos is considered as the ethno-cultural factor. The risk of suicidal behavior increases when such factors as rudeness or hardheartedness of teacher, school community turning down are added.

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About the authors

N. B. Semenova

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North”



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