The quality and safety of rendering emergency and urgent medical care in hospitals


The article presents the results of external auditing on the section “The organization of emergency and urgent medical care in hospital. Organization of admitting office functioning” in 30 medical organizations of the Russian Federation based on “The proposals (practical guidelines) of Roszdravnadzor for organizing internal quality control and safety of medical activity in medical organization (hospital)”. The level of compliance with requirements of the Proposals is determined. The complex and structural problems of organization of rendering of emergency and urgent medical care.

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About the authors

I. V. Ivanov

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Center of Monitoring and Clinical Economic Expertise” of the Roszdravnadzor

O. R. Shvabskii

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Center of Monitoring and Clinical Economic Expertise” of the Roszdravnadzor

I. B. Minulin

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Center of Monitoring and Clinical Economic Expertise” of the Roszdravnadzor

A. A. Shcheblykina

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Center of Monitoring and Clinical Economic Expertise” of the Roszdravnadzor


A. G. Shchesiul

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Center of Monitoring and Clinical Economic Expertise” of the Roszdravnadzor


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Abstract - 65




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