The planning of values of indices of quality of resource management in medical organizations of the Moscow state medical care system


The article presents the results of planning the values of indices of resource management quality in medical organizations of the Moscow state health system, that participated i the project of implementation of the quality standard of resource management in 2016-2017. The approaches of medical organizations to assessment of resources and opportunities of increasing efficiency of management of financial and human resources are described.

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About the authors

S. S. Budarin

The State Budget Institution “The Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Health Care Department”


Iu. Ia. Boichenko

The Moscow Health Care Department

E. L. Nikonov

The Moscow Health Care Department

Iu. V. Elbek

The State Budget Institution “The Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Health Care Department”


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Abstract - 83




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