The primary morbidity of infectious and parasitic diseases in the structure of all diseases registered for the first time in life in the Russian Federation and the Northern Caucasian Federal okrug

  • Authors: Odinetc A.V.1, Ogryzko E.V.2, Danishevskii K.I.3, Ivanova M.A.2, Zalevskaia O.V.2
  • Affiliations:
    1. The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Stavropol State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia
    2. The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
    3. The National Research Institute “The Higher School of Economic”
  • Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2019)
  • Pages: 290-293
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • DOI:
  • Cite item


In conditions of increased population migration, studying the situation on incidence of infectious and parasitogenic diseases is an actual problem. Particularly relevant is the analysis of newly detected incidence in the dynamics, which will allow to assess the well-being of the epidemiological situation in the region. Purpose of the study is to analyze the situation with incidence of some infectious and parasitogenic diseases and their share in the structure of other classes of diseases. The data from the Federal statistical monitoring in 2010-2017 were used related to the Russian Federation and the North Caucasus region.It is demonstrated that the incidence of diseases in the North Caucasus Federal District and the Stavropol region increased while it decreased at the National level. At that, there was a decreasing of incidence of some infectious and parasitogenic diseases both in the Russian Federation and in the North Caucasus Federal District with instability of indices in the Stavropol Krai. In the structure of primarily diagnosed diseases, infectious and parasitogenic diseases both in the the Russian Federation and in the North Caucasus Federal Okrug occupy the in the ranking table tenth point and sixth point in the Stavropol Krai.The results of the study demonstrated multi-directional trends in the dynamics of morbidity in the Russian Federation and the North Caucasus Federal Okrug. The decrease in the percentage of infectious and parasitogenic diseases testifies the improvement of epidemiological situation in overall.

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About the authors

A. V. Odinetc

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Stavropol State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia


E. V. Ogryzko

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia

K. I. Danishevskii

The National Research Institute “The Higher School of Economic”

M. A. Ivanova

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia

O. V. Zalevskaia

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia


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