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The satisfaction with rendering medical services of orthodontic profile to children of junior school age


The article considers the results of complex medical sociological study including questionnaire survey of schoolchildren of junior age and their parents concerning issues of satisfaction with stomatological services. The data is presented concerning subjective opinions about quality and accessibility of stomatological care of orthodontic profile. The causes of dissatisfaction are established and ranged. The criteria of predominant visits to medical organizations of state and private forms of property. The study established demographic and financial characteristics of families, professional characteristics of parents, their subjective opinions about particular aspects of quality of life. The level of sanitary hygienic knowledge and medical activity, including issues of prevention of stomatological diseases and dental maxillary anomalies in children aged 6-11 years was determined. The summary social portrait of family fostering child-patient of children stomatological polyclinic was composed.

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About the authors

A. S. Argutina

The Budget Health Care Institution of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast “The Dzershinsk Children Stomatological Hospital”

Email: doctor_argutina@mail.ru

S. Iu. Kosiuga

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Privolzhskiy Research Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia


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