The public opinion about health care: the main factors of increasing satisfaction of population with medical care
- Authors: Mihailova I.V.1, Siburina T.A.1, Son I.M.1, Shchepin V.O.2, Lindenbraten A.L.2, Mihailov A.I.1
- Affiliations:
- The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
- The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”
- Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 231-236
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- Cite item
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About the authors
Iu. V. Mihailova
The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
T. A. Siburina
The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
I. M. Son
The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
V. O. Shchepin
The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”
A. L. Lindenbraten
The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”
A. Iu. Mihailov
The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia
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