The regional epidemiological characteristics of craniocerebral injury in children in Russia in 2003-2014


The craniocerebral injury is a global problem of health care and society. The fatal and incapacitating aftermaths developed because of this type of trauma result in significant social and economic losses. To develop effective measures of decreasing these losses epidemiological studies are needed to be implemented considering gender, age, regional and other characteristics.The purpose of study was to analyze regional and epidemiological characteristics of craniocerebral injury in children population of Russia.The study was based on data of state statistic reports in Russia and in its regions in 2003-2004.During analyzed period, dynamics of children morbidity of craniocerebral injury are characterized by its maximal level reached in 2010 (6.3 per 1,000 of children population) and by its decreasing to initial level (5.4% per 1,000 of children population) in 2014.The two-fold increase of percentage of children of the first year of life in mortality of craniocerebral injury was established against the background of stable decrease of craniocerebral injury mortality among children aged from 0 to 17 years. In 2014, every ninth child who died because of head trauma did not survived age of 1 year.In Russia, decreasing of level of hospitalization of children with craniocerebral injury was established. At that, indices of hospitalized morbidity of children of the first year of life increased up to 30%.The actual statistical reporting in Russian Federation provides no full measure evaluation of true levels of mortality, morbidity and hospitalized morbidity. this condition occurs due to limitations of including additional nosological forms in state statistic reporting and to specificity of main disease codification or leading causes of death. The study established significant regional specificity of craniocerebral injury in children that determines necessity of development effective measures considering established epidemiological characteristics.

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About the authors

L. M. Roshal

The Budget Health Care Institution “The Research Institute of Emergency Children Surgery and Traumatology” of the Moscow Health Care Department

S. A. Valiullina

The Budget Health Care Institution “The Research Institute of Emergency Children Surgery and Traumatology” of the Moscow Health Care Department


E. A. Sharova

The Budget Health Care Institution “The Research Institute of Emergency Children Surgery and Traumatology” of the Moscow Health Care Department


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