The morbidity of diseases of skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue in population of the Republic of Bashkortostan


The diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue are an actual medical and social problem. The purpose of study was to analyze dynamics of incidence and prevalence of diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue in population of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2008-2017. The average rates of incidence and prevalence of these diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan were significantly higher than relevant data in the Russian Federation and Volga federal district. In the Republic of Bashkortostan the study established increase in incidence rate of atopic dermatitis (primary morbidity increased up to 18.6%, total morbidity increased up to 20.2%) and psoriasis (total morbidity increased up to 3%). The low level of dispensary observation of patients with dermatitis in the medical organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan was established. In 2017 full coverage with dispensary observation was established in case of children aged 0-14 years with discoid lupus erythematosus. The low level of dispensary observation of children with atopic dermatitis (42%) and adults with psoriasis (30.6%) was established. The study demonstrated necessity of further studying of total and primary morbidity of diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue and also indices of dispensary observation of patients according nosologies and age groups, identification of corresponding risk factors, development and implementation of measures improving medical care at all stages of its rendering.

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About the authors

O. R. Muhamadeeva

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Bashkir State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia


N. Kh. Sharafutdinova

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Bashkir State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia

M. Iu. Pavlova

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Bashkir State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia

M. V. Borisova

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Bashkir State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia


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