The analysis of mortality of population of able-bodied age because of external causes


The article presents analysis of mortality because of injuries, poisonings and other consequences of impact of external causes in able-bodied population of the Russian Federation. In 2016, the study identified 18 subjects of the Russian Federation, where these causes of death occupied first rank, leaving behind mortality of blood circulatory system diseases.The optimization of medical care of persons injured by external causes should be implemented by three main directions: traumatological orthopedic one with organization of traumatological centers; сombustiological one with organization of burn centers; toxicological one with organization of toxicological centers.The established differences in mortality rates between subjects of the Russian Federation testify the necessity of complex and substantive measures of organizing and developing medical care support of persons injured by external causes, considering climatic geographic features of regions, as well as availability of “endemic” zones within the territories of subjects that will make it possible to propose valid recommendations related to organization of new centers and optimization of routing of patients based on actual operating medical organizations and their structural subdivisions.

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About the authors

V. O. Shchepin

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”

E. V. Shishkin

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Southern Ural Medical Institute” of Minzdrav of Russia



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Abstract - 91




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