The methodology of complex social hygienic investigation of various groups of population and families (In memoriam of professor O. V. Grinina)


The article expounds main principal positions of professor O. V. Grinina scientific educational methodological school of social hygienic investigations of health of population and family. The methodological analysis of scientific works of professor O. V. Grinina and her disciples was implemented to demonstrate key positions and results of studies constituting scientific school of program methodological basics of complex social hygienic studies of population health, health care and conditions of life of families.The purpose of publication is to characterize indications of the school of complex social hygienic investigations of priority population groups and families. These issues are covered by thematic fundamental works substantiating patterns of formation and estimation of health of families, program methodological issues of complex medical social studies of family and its individual members, availability of large group за disciples developing priority issues of investigation of population health at the level of family and organization of medical care based on the principles of per family observations, general (family) medical practice.The results are demonstrated and patterns are established containing in implemented complex social hygienic per family studies of various population groups, women, children and families in 1970s-1990s. The methodological significance of valid family-focused technologies in new social economic conditions of development of society and health care and principles of curative preventive activities in conditions of mandatory medical insurance are demonstrated.The professor O. V. Grinina substantiated and developed program of medical social characteristic of family. its sections and methodology of long-term continuous monitoring of family. She also determined characteristics of health of family as a group patient, principles of work of out-patient physicians with families directly at the polyclinic district.

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About the authors

D. I. Kicha

The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”

V. S. Nechaev

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “The N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health”


S. M. Stepanova

The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”


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