The analysis of dynamics and structure of mortality of female and male population of reproductive age in the Republic of Chuvashia


Reducing mortality of working-age population is a potential reserve for preserving Russia's population and its labor force. In addition, the task of analyzing health of economically active citizens of our country is inextricably linked with the challenge of developing strategy of development of reproductive potential at the regional level. As reproductive or generative woman's age is defined precisely enough, and such unambiguous definition for men is lacking, the study used mortality rates, calculated for men and women of working age (16 - 59 years and 16 - 54 years respectively) and officially published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) as characteristics of reproductive health.The analysis of mortality rate for working age men and women in the Republic of Chuvashia as well as the structure of main causes of death are presented for 2002 - 2016 in comparison with average indicators for the Russian Federation. The mortality rate of the mentioned population category in Republic of Chuvashia since 2002 has decreased by 17.5% in all age groups except women aged 30 - 39 years. At this, the rate of mortality decreased in men during the analyzed period is higher than in women i.e. 20.5% and 19.3% respectively.As compared with 2002, the percentage of circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, digestive system diseases increased with a simultaneous decrease in the proportion of “external” causes in mortality structure of able-bodied population of the Republic of Chuvashia in 2016. Throughout the analyzed period relative mortality rates of able-bodied men are four times and higher than those of women.The analysis of dynamics characteristics in mortality level and structure among working age women and men as well as risk factors that contribute to its growth, can become the basis for developing an organizational improvement program of rendering medical care to economically active population as a component of regional strategy of increasing the level of reproductive potential.

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About the authors

T. G. Bogdanova

The State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education “The Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians” of Minzdrav of the Republic of Chuvashia


L. I. Gerasimova

The State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education “The Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians” of Minzdrav of the Republic of Chuvashia


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