The refusal in immunodiagnostic of tuberculosis in municipal conditions


The problem of refusal of immunodiagnostic of tuberculosis has a significant public resonance in Russia, but it is not widely covered by research.The purpose of study is to determine causes of refusal of legitimate representatives of children to carry out measures for mass immunodiagnostic of tuberculosis and to suggest possible ways of adjusting this negative phenomenon.In a cross-sectional study, the results of a questionnaire survey of 269 respondents - legal representatives of children who systematically refused to carry out immunodiagnostic of tuberculosis, are being studied.Results. The main reasons for the refusal included distrust of quality of the test (31.6%), insufficient semantic motivation (23.0%), fear of adverse reactions, complications (17.8%), negative information received from Internet (13.4%) or mass media (12.3%). Denial of the problem of tuberculosis or its displacement into a remote social environment was demonstrated by 60.6% of respondents (95% CI 54.7-66.3). Respondents are characterized by a high percentage of people (46.8%, 95% CI 40.9-52.8) who have not undergone chest X-ray examinations for more than two years, as well as individuals whose children are not vaccinated with BCG (11.9%, 95% CI 8.3-16.0). Replacement of the regulated method of detection of latent tuberculosis infection by the method chosen by the respondent will allow to examine children about half (52.4%) of the respondents. However, that will require a change in regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.The greatest part of refusals from immunodiagnostic of tuberculosis is associated with defects in sanitary education, resulting in distrust of the quality of tests and insufficient semantic motivation for implementing tests. The respondents are characterized by denial of the problem of tuberculosis. The significant percentage of respondents demonstrate risky behavior regarding the transmission of tuberculosis behavior. They have not been tested for a long time on tuberculosis, and their children are not vaccinated with BCG. The acuteness of the problem can be reduced through greater flexibility in choosing the survey technique and activation of sanitary education of population.

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About the authors

T. N. Kazykina

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia


S. A. Sterlikov

The Federal State Budget Institution “The Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics” of Minzdrav of Russia


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